To The Rescue

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I thought I had lost everything I loved in my life.
I thought I'd end myself with a gun or a knife.
Then she came to me one night and saved me from sorrow.
I didn't have any happiness, so she gave me some to borrow.
I never thought I'd again say the words "I love you."
But I decided to once, and I know that it was true.
She says I rescued her, but she could never really know.
She's saved me from cursing myself to far down below.
I thought I wanted nothing more than a bullet to the head.
But now I thank her, she's the reason I'm not dead.
I never thought I'd meet someone I'd ask to be my future wife.
But then again, I never thought I'd do a lot of things in my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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