Being Friend thingys OM, TT, JTK, EJ, LJ, DL, BEN, SM, TrM, TM, X, Rake.

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One week three days and five hours since Offenderman decided that it was his sole right to look after you. He now cleans your apartment, cooks, does your laundry for the sac of Zalgo. He makes sure all your homework is done. He has become a mother. Oh and the worse part is if you forget your lunch or something at home he brings it to you. The only time you can get rid of him is when it hits nine he leaves to hunt for is prey.

But you, you get up and put on a shiny very sexual outfit. To get through college you had to become a stripper so you do, the pimp never lets a guy touch you. So the Offender leaves you get into your show stopping outfit, well it's not show stopping I mean it does disappear after a while. But hey as long as you get money and education your good. "Alright my little (Y/N) I'll be leaving now. Oh I'll miss you so much while I'm out but yru a big girl and you can stay by yourself for a few hours. I'll be back later my little one." He pats your head after giving his nightly speech, then finally he leaves. 

When you get to the club you say hi to your co-workers and then go back stage. Your pimp is their and he checks your out you were use to it but still the fat balding man creeped you out sometimes. "(Y/N)" He drunkenly slurred. "We need more money so work your sweet little ass off darling and you'll get more money for college." You give him your little nod with the pleading eyes. "That's what I want to see. Now get your ass up on stage now." You walk to the back behind the curtains but roll your eyes as the drunk bastards in the crowd. Drool over Misty she yes had a great body but still she couldn't flip on the pool even. She gets off the stage and you walk on, your song starts to play.

You use the gab in your heels to push yourself up on the pool your turn just right. Then you flip yourself up side down in a straddle, you then spin down. You wrap your legs just right and arch your back you do a backbend on the pool then spin a little more. You throw your top off and then flip again the boys go nuts and start throwing money at you. You take a bow and grab the money plus your top, you get off stage. You go to the bar were Leon works. "Hey (Y/N) nice show also you have someone in the your room. They payed a pretty good penny for you." You giggle and smirk.

"Who wouldn't." You back to the room and you start to get ready when the client walks in. You turn around to start and it turns out to be Offender. "What are you doing here?" He just crosses his arms, then has his tendrils pick you up and carry you out.

"I paid for you to never work here again and then got you a job as a Secretary to my brother." Let's just say there was yelling cursing, punches and then you crying and thanking him then sleeping.

Laughing Jack

You hung out with Jack a lot and you would sometimes even smile when you saw him. He hasn't gotten you to grin or smile any bigger, but he did get you to laugh once. It was a short laugh but it was still a laugh, he also gave you tons of candy and toys. So you were quite  depressed and happy. You even got to meet the others but Jack doesn't let you go over to the mansion often. You do see Candypop quite a lot though because him and Jack are best friends.

You were on your way to see Jack like you do every day after school/work. When you got there though he wasn't at the gates like he was most of the time so you went in and started to look for Jack or anyone really. You heard a scream from a tent and then you instantly knew Jack got a victim. You walked over to the popcorn cart and got some then started to walk around again. You turned on the music to make the screams unhearable. But it also let Jack know you were here, you went over to one of the games. It was the test your strength game you walked over to it when Candy popped out. You throw popcorn in his face. "Sorry I'm on edge since Jack has a victim." You say depressed. Candy only shakes his head then gives you a pat on the head saying he has to go get someone to take his box.

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