Chapter 10 (The loss)

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Alarm started screaming in Frankie's ears drum telling him to wake up for today's school. He wasn't quite ready for today after what happened yesterday plus he was also grounded after her foster mother was informed of his disappearance last night. He sweared when the alarm woke him up from his good sleep. He wasn't a morning person really, he was all grumpy, mouth was drooling, hairs were messy.

He knew what will happen today but he didn't want stress as he has already taken too much. He was pretty sure that today won't be any better. Things will get worse. Much worse. Great. When was life any better? Never. He took a quick shower and changed his clothes to jeans and blue t-shirt.

"Good morning honey". Foster mother said while making breakfast. "Oh, good morning..". He said in his scratchy morning voice. "Come have breakfast". But he didn't want to he was too worried that he couldn't even eat though he said he doesn't want to take stress. "I am already". He said hesitating to say the last word. " well at school then...I will be worried for you". He nodded and walked out.

He walked in the hall way with people standing near lockers, staring at him. He felt awkward through those stares. He was certain that the whole school knows the truth. He could literally hear some people talk about him.
"oh my God , can't believe that he is a monster".
'Seriously, a monster that's what they call me'. he thought.
"I am so scared".
'I am a bloody human being with a heart'. He answered in his mind.

All those thoughts about him made him angrier after every statement. People could not just dream about him being a wolf and tell the whole school but someone was behind this for sure and it was obliviously Martin after he didn't give what he wanted. This thing was getting worse. People stared at him, watching his every movement made him feel uncomfortable. God!! So much complications. What should he do? That's what he didn't understand.

He was at library reading books trying to pass his time when a noise distracted him from reading. He heard sirens. They were very loud. Noise getting inside his head giving him a slight headache. He rushed out of the room and peeked out of the balcony...there was an ambulance..Frankie wondered what made them come here. He heard no rumors of someone getting hurt or killed. His curiousness tickled him and he couldn't bear it no more. He ran down the stairs, seeing a large crowd of students surrounding the ambulance.....his brain recalled what Martin said to him.
'I will hurt Samantha'.
He frowned. His heart beating faster than ever. He pushed through the crowd making his way towards the ambulance....his eyes couldn't believe what he saw. He was in shock. He eyes went blurry as tears ran down his cheek. "Do you know her?". A nurse asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Y..yes I's my best friend......Samantha". His last word made him cry even more than before. That's it. He is all alone. She is dead. He wished he was dreaming but no it was reality which he had to face. "You will have to come with us then". The nurse said. He was ready...he did really want to give her his last goodbye now that she was happy in heaven leaving him all alone in this bitter world. If he had given Martin the bite she would be alive and's all his fault.  But he is not going to leave Martin like that. He is not going to leave Martin walking. He will take revenge.

He was standing near thousands of grave yards watching Samantha get buried deep down. He cried he just couldn't hold those tears back in. The faucet in his eyes kept running down. His vision got blurry once again. It all happened so quickly. So unexpectedly. But how?

They were done burying her deep down where no one could listen her. Her closed ones kept roses and flowers on her grave. "I am sorry about what happened to your friend". Samantha's mom sobbed while her dad stood in a distance crying. What would have their parents gone through?! Didn't he think of that before doing such a big decision. "But did all this happen.. It happened all of a sudden". Her mom waited expecting an answer but sadly Frankie didn't know any. "I don't know...I am confused myself". He said not moving his eyes off her grave. He held roses in his hand waiting to keep it after the others were done. When he noticed few people walking away. He walked towards the grave and bent down and made place to keep his roses. "I wish I could help...I wish I's all my fault...I am the one to be blamed". He cried more and more resting his head on the fresh soil.

He stood outside Martin's house aiming rocks at his window. Frankie was angry.really angry. Martin got himself in big trouble. After few minutes of trying. Martin opened his front door. "What is it!". He said as if he was irritated with all the rock noises. "Why did you do this!!". Frankie pulled his shirt dragging him near the wall ready to punch him hard. Martin stopped him. "I told you know that I actually meant what I said". Martin laughed, rubbing his both hands. "You will get in serious trouble!". He shouted. Frankie punched him on his nose making it bleed. "I..I will not get in trouble because I didn't do it". Martin said in his cold voice. "Who did it!". Frankie punched his head to the wall. "Some...someone else did it for me". He laughed in pain. Martin clearly   didn't care. "How did you kill her!". Frankie slapped him this time but Martin stayed stubborned. "It was like a terrible car accident...she flew away and hit the ground so hard that she wasn't able to survive...her head bleeding so bad taking her near death...and she died". Frankie left his shirt, it was all wrinkled now. He stayed silent starting at him, no words could come out. "Your a monster!! Not me". The only word he said before he pulled his one leg and twisted it, bone cracking noises came from his leg making him scream so loud. Tears ran down his cheek expressing that he's in pain. "You deserve this". He shouted leaving Martin on the ground and disappeared.

He reached home late while everyone was sleeping he tip toed to his room. Took out a blank sheet of paper and wrote a letter to his foster mother before leaving from this city.

Dear foster mother,
I am leaving, going far away from everyone. Since I am grown up now and  able to take care of myself alone. I have never expressed my love for you but I really love you and I will miss you. You took care of me like a real mother would. You mean everything to me. I though it was better to go away. Far away. And start a new life. A good one. Don't worry I will come after every year for weeks to meet you and my brothers. Life was really hard for me here. I have lost a best friend and I can't continue living here like this. Love you mom. Stay strong.
                                                                                                                      -Frankie ❤️
That's the end of the story. I know this story isn't so interesting but it's my first time writing a story. I am trying to improve. Please vote, comment and follow. Feel free to tell me your opinion so that I can improve.

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