5.0 Take Me Home

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Warning: More than usual triggers in this chapter. Such as PTSD, depression, and suicide attempt. Please read only if you're okay with that. Your mental health is soooo important to me. Also, please do not think I glamorize these because I do not. This is just what the character is thinking and feeling at the present time.

Several days had slowly passed, maybe a week? In all honesty Andromeda didn't know. She spend her days relatively the same way. She would wake up, not talk to anyone, and go back to sleep only to be woken up in the middle of the night with night terrors. Clarke had begun to worry about her but still said nothing. All of the other kids were happy to be here. They spend their days horsing around, relaxing, and getting away from all of the horrors they had gone though over the past two months.

Today was no different. Andromeda lay on her bed throwing a pencil in the air only to catch it to throw it again. Her monotonous actions were interrupted by the sudden silence of the kids and then a shout.


Andromeda sat up and looked at the boy who was escorted in by Maya. After a quick glare at the girl she looked at Miller who was looking much improved from the last time she saw him. He was no longer bleeding out before her but stood strong and healthy. Andromeda stood up to greet him.

"You're one tough son of a bitch, you know that," Andromeda said with a hint of a smile.

Miller's head whipped around to her and his smile grew even bigger.

"Yea, it only took, what, three surgeries?" he looked to Maya as he said this and she nodded. Andromeda refused to look at her.

He turned back to Andromeda, "I hear you're fitting in well."

Finally, Andromeda turned to Maya and gave her a death stare. Maya looked away and refused to look back. Jasper put his hand on Andromeda's shoulder and she snapped out of it. 

Before anyone could blink, Andromeda took two quick, long strides forward before she grabbed Miller into a hug. He hesitated for a second before hugging her back. The rest of the kids stood there in silence not really knowing what to do but the two warriors hugged each other tightly. They had been there for each other through it all and had each others back. That was just a bond that Andromeda and Miller held on to.

"I'm sorry," Miller whispered in her ear.

Andromeda, whose eyes had closed, snapped them open because, at his soft words, images of the battle once again flashed before her on her eyelids. She quickly let go and made to calm her breathing. She put her hands on her hips and quickly left the room to stand out in the hallway, hopefully getting a little peace and quiet before she slid down the wall with her head in her hands to try to get the screams out of her head.

Right up until the point where she could finally breathe again, sirens echoed out into the hall. The sound was loud and harsh. Andromeda pulled on the roots of her hair trying to get it to stop. With every alarm she would pull harder. With every alarm, a face of a dead kid she saw out there was forced into her mind.

She didn't know how long the alarms went on until she felt a soft hand touch her shoulder. She looked up to see Cage Wallace kneeling down before her.

"It's okay, it's over," he said to her.

Andromeda shook her head and stood up quickly to get away from him, "It'll never be over."

She started to walk away, anywhere, but Cage fell into step next to her.

"Is there anything that I can do to help?"

"You can tell your daddy to let me out," she scoffed.

First to Fall ➣ Bellamy Blake [Book 2] (Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora