Jason and Laila

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Any suggestions or pointers would be good.
Jason was on patrol as Robin when he saw some muggers grabbing someone. He went running to the aid of a girl his age with long ash black hair and bright emerald green eyes. He was about to go in for the save when blue energy emanated from her hands pushing the men back against the wall. The young girl took a look around before running off.
Who was that? Jason thought as he double checked to see if the scumbags were still alive. They were so Jason called the police and split.
After Jason comes back from the dead. Also forgot to mention that I'm using the Jason revival from Under The Red Hood and not the comics.
Jason was dealing with the drug trade in Gotham when he ran across this strangely familiar girl. She was taking out some drug dealers. Her black hair was up in a ponytail that flailed with every move she made. She wore a black mask and black body suit. When she had triumphed Jason decided to follow this mysterious girl. He followed her to an old apartment belonging to a known criminal. She softly rapped on the glass of a window and it opened softly a hand pulled her swiftly in the room. Jason pulled out his listening device(don't know what it's called).
"Laila you were supposed to be home hours ago." The girl who pulled her into the room hissed.
"Sorry Charlotte I just got carried away." The mysterious girl replied.
"It's fine, just try and be on time next time." She sighed. Laila dropped on a window seat and stared at the ceiling. She let out a heavy sigh and turned back to Charlotte.
"Do you think it's worth it?" Laila asked.
"I don't know." Charlotte said running her fingers through her short black hair and looking at her sister with sad green eyes.
"I do, I think that every choice we make is worth it as long as it is worth it to us." said a small voice coming from the doorway. Charlotte spun around and Laila readjusted her gaze. A small girl about ten with shoulder length brown hair and chocolate brown eyes was leaned up against the door frame.
"Amelia I didn't here you come in." Laila said after her mind registered who it was.
"Obviously." She answered nodding towards the two girls surprised expressions.
"Small fry has a point." Laila said.
"Hey!"Amelia replied.
"Oh just take the compliment." She said. Jason saw that he was going to get any more useful information so he left.
First talk
Jason and Laila went after the same bad guys again. They kept doing this but somehow they kept avoiding each other. On one mission they both somehow ended up being captured. They were put in a crate from the docks and it was dropped in the water. While the crate slowly sank Jason and Laila woke up. After realizing the door wouldn't budge due to pressure they sat down next to each other.
"I'm Red Hood. What do I call you?" Jason asked after a minute of silence.
"Dreamer." Laila answered.
"Why Dreamer?" He questioned.
"Because my powers work mentally and to get them to work I have to 'dream' about what I want." Laila replied doing air quotes when she said dream.
"Makes sense." Jason said, "I've been seeing you take down drug dealers a lot lately. Does batman know about you?"
"First of all stalker much? Second of all not every vigilante in Gotham has to check in with The Batman." Laila said.
"I like you." He said. She chuckled.
"Well I've never really been one to play by other people's rule books." Laila said.
"Me neither." Jason said.
"Looks like we have some things in common. Not everything I hope, gotta keep it interesting." She said.
"Do you have a problem with killing people?" He asked.
"Depends, some people might be scum but I don't want to orphan any children." Laila said, "Besides my powers are pretty non lethal."
"I'm not sure I considered that." Jason admitted.
"Perspective." Laila said.
"Did it happen to your dad or something?" He asked.
"No my dads a jerk it happened to a friend of mines." She answered. Jason nodded.
"The funny thing is I promised myself I wouldn't be him but whenever I kill a dirtbag I feel like I'm his daughter. It's dumb isn't it?" Laila said.
"It's understandable." Jason said thinking about his dad.
"My sisters think it's dumb." She said.
"They don't know what they're talking about then." He said looking at Laila he had a smile on under the hood.
"They rarely ever do." She said.
"Siblings." Jason said.
"You have siblings?" Laila asked.
"A sister and a brother." He replied, "I haven't seen them in awhile, I've been meaning to but...they probably don't want to see me anyway."
"Why not?" She inquired.
"Take your pick. I tried to kill them because they didn't avenge me. I got in a huge fight with them about waiting to tell them. I was basically a jerk." Jason said.
"I get that. When I told my sisters that I wanted fight crime instead of being a criminal they flipped. Amelia was the only one who seemed to understand, she's the only reason I stay at home. I was going to move out, I mean I'm eighteen I can but I didn't want to leave her alone. Super sappy but oh well." Laila said.
"You sound like a better sibling than I'll ever be. I was never really mad at them I guess, not really. I was mad at Batman but I wasn't mad at them. Emma and Lucas were just doing what they thought I would've wanted. I can't really blame them for that." He said.
"Well you could but it would be a jerk move." Laila commented.
"How far down do you think we are?" Jason asked water was slowly coming in from the edges of the container.
"Probably hit the bottom by now." She answered looking around. Suddenly a light bulb went on in her head.
"Do you have any of those rebreather things?" She asked.
"Yeah but they won't do us any good the doors stuck." Jason said.
"Leave that to me." Laila said with a mischievous smile. Jason got out two rebreathers and took off his mask to use his.
"Stand back." She warned putting her rebreather in her mouth and using her powers. Blue energy danced around her fingertips as she slammed the energy into the door making a dent. Laila continued these actions until the doors split off and water rushed inwards. Laila's head was slammed against the crate knocking her out cold. As if by instinct Jason grabbed Laila with his one hand keeping his helmet in his other hand and swam to the surface. The drug deal was over by then and Jason took Laila back to the bunker. He set her softly on the bed removing her rebreather. Jay decided to let her sleep and he grabbed a couple pillows and blankets making a bed for himself on the floor.
Laila woke up on a comfy bed in a place she didn't recognize. She looked around the room and saw some pillows and blankets left on the floor. Confused Laila walked out of the room and into a living room, kitchen area. Jason was sitting on the couch.
"Hi." She said. Jason turned around and gave her a smile. He was out of costume.
"Oh you're up." He said.
"What happened?" Laila asked her eyes scanning over every inch of the place.
"When you blew the doors off you hit your head and fell unconscious." Jason replied.
"Oh well thanks for saving me." She said.
"Well I wasn't going to leave you there to die." He said.
"You never know with people." Laila said.
"You know we do a lot of the same cases anyway, why don't we be partners?" Jason asked.
"Red Hood and Dreamer?" Laila asked.
"I think it has a nice ring to it." He said.
"Ok, let's be partners." She said as they shook each other's hands in agreement.
A few months later, they've been working well together.
"We should go on a date." Jason said suddenly. Laila and Jason were in the middle of staking out some smugglers. Jason had just wanted to dive right in but Laila wouldn't let him.
"This is sort of a date." She said.
"I mean a real date." Jason said.
"When was the last time you ever went on a real date?" Laila asked.
"I've done it!" He said.
"Really?" She asked.
"Well no but how hard can it really be. People do it all the time." Jason said.
"Fine." Laila said.
"Now can we go kick some butt." Jason said.(sorry no swearing).
"Fine but don't get us killed we have plans." Laila said.
The first date
Laila and Jason were in Paris.
"When you said that you were taking me somewhere nice I thought you just meant a restaurant." Laila said
"Do you like it?" Jason asked.
"Yeah it's beautiful." She said, "I wish we didn't have to be so dodgy though."
"Life of wanted criminals." He said dramatically.
"Anti heroes." Laila corrected. Jason took her hand in his their fingers intertwining like they were meant to be that way. They stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower just staring out at the city of lights.
"Not bad." Laila said her eyes gleaming in the moonlight. Jason smiled at her.
"Not bad at all." He said as he looked at Laila's beautiful smile.
First sort of fight and first kiss/first I love you about a year after partnership
"Jason!" Laila snapped Jason was staring angirly at Nightwing who was trying to get him to come home.
"Stay out of this Laila." He snapped back. It was pouring rain and they were all drenched
"Maybe you should go." Laila said. Jason turned around in surprise.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because you're always talking about going and seeing Emily and Lucas anyway." She said.
"Not the same thing!" Jason said.
"Look you go, you help, and you come back if you need to. What do you have here anyway?" Laila asked. Jason looked visually shocked. I mean sure they hadn't officially had a real relationship but he thought it was something. Jason did the last thing he ever thought he would do. He walked up to Laila and pulled her into a kiss. His lips were hot on hers and she closed her eyes kissing back. Laila didn't even mind the rain or their wet hair sticking to each other. They let go after what felt like an eternity.
"I do have something here. I love you."He said Laila smiled.
"Well then you better come back because I love you too." Laila said. Jason gave her a hug and quick peck on the cheek before he left. He walked away smiling.
Pregnant two years after partnership one year after kiss
Jason stood outside of the bathroom pacing like crazy. Laila walked out her face as pale as a ghost.
"Well we're going to be parents." She spat out her voice cracking.
"Well it's not official until we get the blood test right?" Jason asked.
"Yeah but how are we going to get it I mean, we aren't exactly the most well liked people in the world." Laila said.
"It'll be fine." Jason said wrapping her in a hug.
Month 1
Laila was running to the bathroom for the fifth time that day alone. She started throwing up. Jason was out doing his own thing. He was usually there with her but today he had something he needed to do, he didn't tell her what though. Laila took a breath and leaned back against the wall. She glared at the porcelain toilet that had now seemingly become her best friend.
Meanwhile Jason stood outside of a house, it was a small house on the outskirts of Gotham. Emma was standing next to him her red hair pulled back and her blue eyes happy as usual.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jason asked.
"Yup, Bruce pretty much pays for everything I need anyway and if I don't tell him it's for you we should have no problems." Emma said, "She'll love it."
"So will our little girl." Jason said.
"How do you know it's a girl?" Emma asked.
"Fatherly intuition." He replied. Emma just rolled her eyes and they walked up to the house. It wasn't very big but it had a fairly large yard, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a dining room, a laundry room, two bathrooms, a basement, a garage off the kitchen, and a porch on either side of the house.
"Besides I already bought it for you." Emma said. Jason rolled his eyes and they started working on it.
Month 2
Jason had been disappearing a lot lately. Laila sighed. She didn't quite have a baby bump yet but her feet were killing her. Laila laid down on the couch trying to get comfortable, she groaned.
Meanwhile Emma(who is the only one who knows about the baby) and Jason were finished with the yard and porch. They had now gone into the kitchen and dining room.
Month 3
Laila was a lot calmer and didn't need to run to the bathroom as often. She held her hands on her slight baby bump and kissed Jason goodbye as he went on another secret mission. Jason kissed her belly and Laila chuckled.
Jason and Emma had recruited Lucas for help on finishing the house. They had finished the garage, kitchen, dining room, and laundry room.
Month 4
Laila and Jason were at the doctors office getting ultrasound. They had given fake ids. The doctor told them it was a girl. Laila cried.
"Hi baby girl." Jason said to Laila's stomach they kissed.
The house team had recruited Roy to help. Roy had brought along Lian(9) and his son Gabriel(5). They only had the bedrooms left.
Month 6(sorry I skipped)
Laila was trying to help. Jason keeps having to make her sit down. House is ready they move in. Laila cries.
Laila goes into labor at three in the morning. Jason takes her to the hospital where she is in labor for five hours. Finally Anna Marie Todd is born. They take her home soon after that.
"Are we kidding ourselves thinking this will work?" Laila asks staring at the sleeping child in Jason's arms.
"We will make it work because I love both of you more than  I have ever loved anything." He said.
"I know." She said and they kissed.
Not a Secret Anymore(3 months later)
Jason and Laila knew that they couldn't hide their precious little girl forever but they never thought it would disappear so quick. Laila and Jason had gotten married in secret two months ago, the only people who knew were the same people who knew about Anna. Jason was buying diapers and formula for the third time this month. Like always he tried to keep a low profile and get out as fast as he could. His plan was foiled when he ran into Bruce. Crap he thought, why is Bruce here. He grabbed his shopping bags and slipped out the door. Phew. He kept walking fast pace to the car that Emma had given them. Laila was in college to become a doctor so Emma paid for that too. Just his luck Jason ran into Dick, literally. Both boys fell to the ground and baby powder rolled out of the bags.
"I'm sorry..." Dick started picking up his bags and handing them to him, "...Jay?"
"Hi Dickiebird." Jason said trying not to sound worried.
"Why do you have baby stuff?" He asked.
"None of your business." Jay said he looked at his watch. He had to pick Anna up from daycare. He walked over to his car and threw the bags on the passenger side. Dick followed and examined the car, it had a baby on board sticker and a car seat in the back.
"Jason are you a father?" Dick asked Jay looked him in the eye.
"Don't you dare tell Bruce!" He said getting in the car and driving away.
When Jason got home with Anna he found the door ajar. He grabbed his gun from a compartment in the floor boards. He picked up Anna wrapping her tightly in his one arm and holding his gun with his other hand. Jason walked in to see the batfamily in his living room. He dropped the gun and set it on the table.
"What are you guys doing here?" Jay snapped now bouncing Anna because she started to fuss.
"We wanted to meet your kid." Dick answered. He gave them each a look and then dropped his gaze to Anna. He sighed.
"This is Anna." Jason said Dick gave him a sad look and Jason let him hold her. He then went over and put on his wedding band.
"I suppose you want to meet my wife too?" Jason asked. They all looked up in surprise.
"There she is now." He said when they heard a motorcycle approaching. Laila walked in and looked around at everyone.
"This is Laila, my wife." Jason said.
"Hi." She said awkwardly. And that's how it all began.
Please comment what you think I can take constructive criticism and I would love advice.

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