There Was A Girl and A Boy

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Hey guys!!! I am submitting this for the Arats Contest(3) and Wattys2016. Please give your opinions.

@Fallingstars99 @resplend

I stared at the photo of a girl. Not just any girl. A girl with a soft smile playing on her baby pink lips. Her eyes were entangled in a labyrinth of exotic blue and grassy green. The striking turquoise gems sparkled, reflecting a thousand shades of aquamarine. Though, it was a picture, I could still feel myself drowning in those eyes.

Her dirty blond hair swiftly cascaded down her back reaching her waist. Her butterfly-kissed skin glowed even though it was dark, as if painted with a gold brush. It screamed 'Purity' and 'Merriment'.

I could literally feel her warmth around me as if she was just beside me. I quickly glanced around.
"Focus. Focus. Focus," I mumbled to myself.
The picture. Yes.

I looked at it.

She was still grinning looking at something, or rather, someone, almost like it gave her energy to live. I averted my attention to the boy in his late teens beside her. He was busy chuckling, not bothering to see, who took his photo.
His hazel brown orbs were like chocolates. Sweet chocolates, replete with love and happiness. They seem to laugh at a joke, which she cracked.

She laughed.

He laughed.

And they both burst out laugh all over again.

What was that joke? One would never ever know. All that mattered was the laugh, the smile and the crimson flustered faces.

I remember that day like it happened yesterday. The boy and the girl had gone out for their first camp-out together. It was perfect. Life was perfect. From the weather and the atmosphere to the people themselves. Everything was beyond flawless...

How do I know this? Well, the 'boy' might have been me.

And the girl-

STOP!! I could not.

A lump rose in my throat. My vision become hazy and I felt like being punched in the gut.
'Don't let the tears escape,' I chanted in my head. However, it was useless.

The hot liquid escaped through my eyes. The broken guy in the mirror stared at me, his hair scattered, his lips trembling, his puffy eyes stroked with scarlet, his eyebrows cringing so tightly wanting to explode due to the amount of despair invading him.

I couldn't handle so much trauma. Silent tears turned to loud sobs, cries, screeches. I was helpless. I immediately clutched tight on the photo for support.
I wanted that girl.
I needed her.

Because she was my girlfriend, my love, life whole freaking life!

I was an orphan with no siblings, but that did not matter when she was around. She made me feel whole.
However, during our camp, she got knocked by a lorry and got into coma. But, I was sure she would recover, she promised not to leave my side. Ever.

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you

You and Me. Her favorite song. She said it was like our love. It resembled us perfectly.

So, I stuck with it, did not leave her side, was there with her unconscious body every single minute...
To hear "I love you" again and again.

Instead I got,"Who are you?"

The sole love in my life was snatched away from me.
Taken far, far away.

She stuck to her promise though.
Physically by my side, not mentally though.

Memories down the drain.
Love, washed by the rain.

I was left alone in the darkness,
With no hope, light or happiness.

Invaded by pain, sadness, hurt and despair,
Only caused by the only person I care.

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you

These lyrics haunted me day and night so I decided to bring back her memories. No one approved. But who cares what people say, it's just you and me.

It was final. I had to do it. I could not let her go. I would not let her go. Our love, our friendship deserved it. It was worth everything, even this. So, I did everything in my power to bring back her memories. I showed her videos, pictures, took her to carnivals, and spent a lot of time talking with her so that she could feel comfortable around me.

Miraculously, it showed signs of working!

She told me, "I know that me, having amnesia is hurting you, but if it makes you feel better I have started to like you and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you."

It seemed like my world was falling into place but...


It crumbled down again.

A day later, she died. Doctors said that amnesia killed her. It was severe. It couldn't be treated. I was petrified. One moment she was there and the next, not? After confirming that I was neither dreaming, nor hallucinating, I let the information sink in.


Dead as in no more, gone, buried. It killed to know that the only person who made life easier was gone. the pain in the chest was unbearable. If only she was there... Call me hopeless or whipped, I don't care.

I glanced at the photo of the girl and the boy again. They were so peaceful, so lively, so beautiful. I was numb by now. I stared outside my window, letting the tears flow and thinking about her last words to me, "I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you."

Trust me love, I don't know either.


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Love y'all!

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