Disobeying Orders

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Whelp, you just met a socially conservative Wing. She doesn't usually make such an ass of herself, but Lo brings out the worst in her. There aren't many gender-changers in Wing society, especially not gender-changers who sleep with both genders. Surprisingly, the Elementals are more okay with the sleeping with both genders part than the Altheans are. I thought we were supposed to have a civilization, guys! >:(

Oh, and about the elves... they live in another universe, but a lot of them like to come to Althea because we like to employ them as cooks, cleaners, and the like. They also say that the scenery is quite different from their homeworld, so they also come for the change in pace. The elves in general are well-liked by other species since they are nice to look at, nice to talk to, and don't try to make you follow the rules.

- Felicity


The next morning, I woke up and stretched, wondering what I was going to do today. The last few days had been interesting, but I was more interested in continuing my various projects than getting dragged into someone else's mission. There was only one mission I was interested in, and I was forbidden from going.

Just as I was making up my mind on what to do, a knock came on my door. "Come in," I called, rolling my eyes and wondering who it was this time.

Irene's face poked through the door, her gray eyes nervous. "Loki?" she asked tentatively, not seeming to notice that I was half-naked and still tangled up in my sheets.

"Yeah?" I asked, struggling to push myself out of bed. It was so warm and so tempting. Finally, I untangled myself and rose to my feet, adjusting my shorts which were the only thing keeping me from being stark naked.

"Felicity is unhappy," she said, her mouth pulled into a frown. "She's calling me. I don't know why."

I cursed and started finding some clothes that I could throw on. Of course Thom and Felicity got into trouble! Of course I would have to go and rescue them! Orvin didn't think that I was capable. I'd show them! I'd show them all!

"Do you know anything else?" I asked Irene.

Irene shrugged. "I think you'd need me."

I sighed. Last time I had done anything with Irene, Orvin nearly had me kicked out of Althea for a decade. Of course, last time Irene had kind of gotten captured and I had to rescue her, so if I didn't get her captured this time Orvin might not be so mad. And it would be an added bonus if he didn't find out at all...

"Okay, fine. But you have to be careful," I told her. "You need to do as I say when I say it. It's going to be dangerous where we're going and if you're to help Felicity and Thom, I need to get you there in one piece. Okay?"

Irene nodded. I then grabbed my shape-changing sword and then we were off.

To Be Continued...

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