Chapter 7

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*Cassidy Lynk*

After what seemed like hours, my eyes departed from the soft brown ones of Calum's roommate, Caleb.

"I'm, Cassidy." I shakily offered my hand. He surprised me and pulled me in for a hug. Our hug was separated by a fluffy barrier coming between the space of our legs.

I bent down on my knees and began to pet the soft fur of the Siberian Husky. His body weight pushed against me, almost knocking me over. I assumed this was Loki. Caleb laughed at my love for this dog as I kept hugging and kissing and rubbing this ball of fur.

Julie and Calum had snuck from our sight leaving me, Caleb and Loki together. "I was about to go to the corner store, wanna go?"

"Yeah sure." I said and he ran up to his room to get changed.

The couch dipped down beside me and I looked up from my phone to see a cheesy smiling Caleb."Yes?" I dragged the word.

"You're pretty." He coughed, "I mean, um, wanna go?" I laughed and he gave an awkward smile.

I shrugged and got up, he did to and we left his flat, heading down the nearby street. While walking he sparked up a conversation. "So, I'm Caleb. And I live here obviously."

His accent mesmerized me. The way his words roll perfectly off of his tongue in a pattern as smooth as his. He nudge my shoulder and snapped me from my thoughts.

"Oh! Um, I'm Cassidy but you can call me Cass. I've lived here for about a week now with Julie. And I'm applying for another college soon." I spat out at once.

He hummed as if taking in what I said in an odd way. "Well, Cass." He stopped and turned to me,"It's a pleasure meeting you and becoming your friend." I'm not gonna lie, that stung..

Was I just friend zoned?

The frown on my face was apparent because Caleb shot me a worried look."You okay, love?" My heart beat out of my chest and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. I just miss home?" I said looking for a believable excuse.

"Oh coffee!" He exclaimed and trotted into the coffee shop that Julie and I often went to when we first arrived here.

"But, I thought we were going to the corner store?" I chuckled.

"It can wait!" He said back while running into the coffee shop.

When I walked in, the aroma of coffee and bagels invaded my nose. I laughed at the thought of bagels. Julie's favorite thing in the world was bagels.

He sat at an empty booth and I slid in across from him. As soon as my butt met with the seat my phone went off. Julie.

"One sec it's Julie."

"Oh god. Where are you two!?" she sounded relieved.
"We are the coffee shop on the corner." I chuckled a little.
"Ugh be there soon. Hey, get me a bagel while you're at it?" She ordered more than asked.

I ended the call and stood up, telling Caleb I was getting a bagel for my bagel obsessed flat mate. All of a sudden, two hands placed on my shoulders and spun me around, Julie grabbed the bagel out of my hand and sat down next to Calum across from Caleb, where I was sitting.

I went and sat next to Caleb. He shifted a bit when I sat down but then rested his hands on the table. Everyone began to chat away about random topics and I sat quietly.

My knee became warm and I looked down to see Caleb's hand rested there. I looked up at him then to Julie. She knew, she gave me that victorious look. She did say she was going to hook us way or another.

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