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Yumi sat in her chair drinking coffee and staring out the window, her black hair blew behind her and her eyes shimmered in the light. Yumi got up and stretched " What to do " walking towards the kitchen she quickly through away a piece of string laying on the floor and sighed " I miss mom " her eyes quickly filled with tears and she sniffed softly " Mommy " she slid to the ground and brung her knees up to her chest and cried softly " Meow " she looked up and smiled at her small cat " Hey there Twinkles " she purred softly and rubbed against Yumi's leg.

Yumi walked out the door closing it behind her softly, she skipped towards the store her hair whipping behind her " Hey Yumi " Mrs. Yakushi called Yumi smiled and waved " Hello there Yuki " she smiled and looked towards the park where she would see kids playing  soccer but instead she saw a red head boy crying on the swing. She walked towards him a smile on her face " Hello there little one " The small boy turned and looked at Yumi tears cascading down his face " Who are you " she smiled and sat down on the swing next to him " My name is Yumi, how about you little guy " his eyes widened and he looked at Yumi " Y-you w-want t-to k-know m-my n-name " she smiled and nodded " Of course " he smiled slightly " Gaara " she smiled and looked at the bruises on his body frowning slightly " Lets get you cleaned up " she held out her hand. He took it Hesitantly and smiled.

Gaara smiled at Yumi who was rambling about Twinkles her cat who apparently loves to scratch up her curtains " Yu-chan " she stopped and looked down at him " Yes my cute little Panda " he smiled lightly and looked away " Are we here now " she laughed and picked him up " Yup " his eye brows furrowed " Aren't I heavy " she smiled and shook her head " Not at all " he nodded and buried his head into her neck  " Thank you Yu-chan " she smiled and let her right hand sift through his soft red hair " Anything for my Panda " 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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