Chapter 7

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Phils POV
I wait for Dan at the school gates. He should've been here by now. School stars in another Ten minutes. I walk back and forth. No one pays attention to me. Most of the students here mind their own business or in groups talking. Chris and PJ are already sitting next to each other flirting of course. I would be hanging with them but I'm just the 3rd wheel. Im kinda worried about Dan anyways. He hasn't arrived the past Five minutes. What if he's hurt. What if he is beaten again. He could probably be sick maybe. There was a storm yesterday that was cold. If he arrives today then I guess he will be okay.

The bell rings. Everyone heads inside. I go to my locker to pick up my books for first class. I close my locker then see Dan at his locker. He looks wirse than before. Who are these people who keep beating him.

Dan's POV
I already see Phil standing at the gates. I can't let him see me like this. I head into the back and jump over. I make my way to the front but I don't go near the full group of other students. I hide on the side of the school building hoping no one will see me. Im still broken. Even if I was held tight with care Im not okay. I still don't feel happy enough. My depression is stronger than me. Whenever I,m with others I try to be happy but no matter what Im always depressed. I'm still a careless person but when Phil is around I'm someone else.

I'm different when Phil is around. I always get this feeling when he's near me. It's soft. Gentle. It's not cold or freezing. It's like a fire is near me. Ever since he came up to me he was the warmest person ever since. The other students were like ice. Freezing cold. Blank emotions on their faces.
Phil's POV

I wanted to talk to him but I don't think he wants to talk to anyone though. Everyone starts heading to their class. I start towards mine. As I walk over to class I spot Dan coming up to me in the corner of my eye. "Hey..." Dan says. "Hey Dan, where-" I pause as I see Dan all bruised up. It's worse this time and it looks like it just happened. "D-Dan what happened?" I ask. I want to know who did this him. "That's kinda of hard to explain Phil..." His voice lowers. "Well just came to say hi and have a good day..." Dan's face turns worried. "Dan, you know you can tell me... I can help you with this" I say. He doesn't say anything except stay quiet. I wait then the bell rings. I see as Dan is already off to class rushing. I give a confused look as he goes to class. I hope he's okay.

During class my mind doesn't pay attention to what the teacher is instructing or whatever she's ranting about. My mind was focused on Dan. Ever since I've seen him he's been in my mind since. I couldn't stop. I always had this feeling whenever I'm around him. It was a feeling I've never had before. Not even the same feelings I have towards my other friends except Dan. Whenever I'm with him it just feels awkward yet like I'm near someone I feel comfortable with. Phil what are you thinking. You barely know him why are you feeling like this towards him. Okay Phil I think it's time for you to pay attention now.


Dan's POV

Why am I having this little feeling that I'm thinking about Phil right now? Dan he probably hates you for who you are stop. I know Phil is my friend but Dan you need to stop thinking right now and pay attention in class. When I look forward I see everyone staring at me. Did they hear what I just said? Way to go Dan. I give them a small smile. This is awkward. "Um...excuse me um may I use the restroom? I'm not feeling too well I think I need to throw up" I ask raising my hand awkwardly. Everyone still stares at me. "Is everything okay Dan, do you need to go to the nurse?" The teacher responds. The nurse. I hate the nurse. Always telling me everything that I don't care about. "Um no I just need to go to the restroom, I'll be fine. Really" I say trying to hold in what's about to come from my stomach. "Okay, please don't take long, come back if you need to go to the nurse" She replies while writing on the chalk board. "Okay" I say then I pace to the restroom as fast as I can.

I arrive to the restroom. My stomach starts to hurt. My head starts aching. I can feel myself burning. I can feel myself becoming weak. "What the fuck is happening right now? Why am I feeling like this?" I yell out loud. Hoping no one would hear me. Minutes later and lockdown is announced. Great. I decide if I should hide in here or go to a nearby class. Then the bathroom door swung open. I'm now stuck and scared not knowing what to do. I stay still bot moving a muscle or nake a sound. The figure and I make eye contact. I didn't move and almost choked myself. I'm now cornered. I need someone's help right now. I need to get out. Escape from here right now.

Phil's POV

During class I hear the announcements call for a lock down. Everyone, including me, go to thw coner where no one from the door can hear us. As everyine stays quiet I hear gunshots from the hall. Then a familiar voice calling out for help. It's Dan.
Bangs on the door are made. Dan's voice become louder. I can almost hear his steps coming from outside. He's close. "Someone help me please, A gunman is out here please help me!"

Dan is right next to the door. Knocking. We need to let him in. My teacher doesn't bother to answer the door. I go up and tell him that Dan is at the door. "Phil, please go back to your seat and remain quiet" his teacher responds. "Mr. T please let him in, he's one of my friends and he's going to die if you don't let him in" I beg but he doesn't even budge to open the door.
The gunshots became louder and everyone starts screaming. Even Dan. His knocks became louder. "Please help! He's getting closer, I don't want to die!" I can tell Dan is now crying. I can hear it in his voice. His sniffles are clear to hear. A few more gunsgots are made and everything goes quiet.
Dan's POV
I don't make a sound after those last shots. I stay absolutely still. I keep my breathes low. I don't say anything. I try to keep in my tears. I'm scared. I don't know what to do. Footsteps start coming this way. I make fists. If I die. Then I'll die in a fight. I turn to look over and see a tall figure with a gun pointed at me. Before he aims for that trigger I swing a punch at them and throw the gun a far distance where he can't reach for it.

I pin him against one of the lockers. Swinging punches. He grabs me by the shirts collar and toss me to the ground. I didn't move. All I gmfelt was pain going through me. He licks me up and pins me against the door I was knocking on. "Please d-don't hurt me" I say blocking my face with my hands keeping my eyes closed. I can tell his fist is ready to punch me. I take peek and I see is a fist racing towards me but I quickly lower my head then his hand breajs thrlugh the glass on the door. Screaming is heard from the other side. I hear Phil calling me. No. I don't want him to get hurt. I kick the stranger away to get him away from the door but I already am picked up by his grip and he tosses me to the door causing it to be knocked down by me. I land in the room already half passed out. I try to pick myself up the pain is already in me and I couldn't move. This stranger is like Ten times stronger than me.

I see Phil going towards me but is blocked by the stranger. My eyes widened. I'm not letting him hurt anyone in this class. Not even my friend Phil. I force myself up and block Phil. The pain from his fist hit me making me push into Phil causing us to fall to the ground. I hear cops coming this way. Thank god finally. I crawl and sits against the wall. I couldn't feel anything except pain from my body that's worse than before. I feel my breathing becoming lighter and my eyelids getting heavier.
Wow. Imagine having a lockdown like that. Scary. Hope you've enjoyed.

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