im already married ch8

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Sakura's pov
I stood shocked "what" I stared at my aunt. After gaara and I fell asleep in my bed. Me holding him thinking how bad it must be for him.Than again I had no room to pity. I don't know what it's like having a parent trying to kill me on my birthday, but even I know that's messed up. he left early in the morning. I miss him and this is even worst.
" I said kazakage-sama send us a mission to attack the leaf village and gather information from the inside"
" I heard you but why do I have to go" I said sadly thinking of gaara and how much he's dealing with already.
" To Make my cover more believable" she was as lying I could tell.
" I'm not going" I said sternly
"Excuse me. Yes YOU are"
" NO"
I felt a stinging on my cheek . I had tears now. She slapped me. And I thought she would understand. But no I guess this is how it feels to be betrayed by a caretaker.
" I-i s-said *sniff* I won't go!!!" She covered her mouth when she slapped me tears coming down her face .
"I-im so sorry " she whispered. If she was sorry than she wouldn't have done it. I didn't notice the look on my face but judging by hers it looked like I would murder eyes instead of my natural emerald it was red. The voice wasn't mine.
"You touch her again and I'll rip you're limbs off" it growled. No I growled. I had no control. Inner.i tired to take control and run out the door. My eyes were back to emerald. I need to find gaara. I need to go to the park. "Haruno Sakura" a voice boomed. "Halt in the name of the kazakage" they were sending ninja for a child. Seems a bit much. Wait, they don't want gaara to find out. I ran faster. Gaara was on the hill. Looking at the sky. But when he heard the huge noises of yells and running. He looked at me in confusion. I tackled him to the ground. Landing with an 'oof ' and a 'eep' from impact.
His cheeks tainted a small pink hue. "C-cherry-chan is something wrong" I hugged him tight. "Don't forget me, will see each other soon and when we do we are gonna get married!!!" He blushed darkened "okay b-but what do you mean don't for-" he was caught off from his father yelling "How pathetic,you idiots can't even catch a child what a disappointment!!"he sighed. Than turned to us. "Garra, Haruno-san and her niece are going to a village for a mission for a few years."
" Years" he asked. Since his father is around he showed no emotion. I got off of gaara and helped him up. Before we could say anything against the matter.i was picked up by one of the ninja.

Gaara's pov
"H-hey let me go."
I was gonna help her with my sand before the kettle was placed in front of me.
"Try anything...see what happens"my father said giving me a look that said ' I dare you ' I looked at Sakura screaming and thrashing around it made my heart clenched.i whimpered what kind of ' future husband ' am I. I could Feel him smirk at me thinking he got his way. ' OH HELL NAW !!' I kicked him where.... you know.. don't judge. After I kicked him and he feel to the floor I kicked the kettle down the hill making sure it was far enough to use my sand. And I ran for sakura. I was held back be other ninja who were surprised at my outburst.
"Let me GO!!"
My father 'quickly' recovered from my powerful 'attack'. Note the sarcasm.
"Why do you*cough* care about a weakling like that brat."
" She's not a brat. And she's the strongest person i know!!" I shouted angered he dared to insult her in not only her face but MY face.
"You care to much tell me why "
"Answer me!"
"Because I love her and no matter what you do I'll always love her"
He was silent and was at lost for word's. Then I was blacked out. I'll find you sakura. I'll find you.
Sakura's pov
They knocked gaara out. I remembered screaming his named with tears in my eyes. Before i was knocked out too.
-------------------------------------------- - 6 years later -
"Sakura-chan you there!!!"
"I was just thinking no need to BRAKE my ear BAKA "
"Naruto's right you've been zoning out for a while." Said our sensai Kakashi. Not even looking up from his 'dirty' book. We were in the ramen shop. I've been here so much and I still can't remember the name. "Don't worry I'm fine" I mumbled. "Sakura you shouldn't be zoning out that's why you're so useless on missions." Said sasuke. What he said didn't hurt me. Oh Uchiha if only you knew. I faked a hurt face. "Sorry I'm useless Sasuke-kun" I said making sure my voice cracked. " Hey teme leave sakura-chan alone!!" Naruto shouted. I sighed not knowing Kakashi watching me. I left my money and left . It didn't take awhile before Naruto caught up babbling about his dream. I won't admit it he would make a great leader when it came to battle but taxes I wouldn't wanna be here. His friends came along calling me his girlfriend. Oh GOD WHY!!!???
" Hey boss that you're girlfriend." I twitched. Naruto better not say something stupid.
" What can I say she's crazy about me " I punched him in the face, he flew threw the fence . Not meaning to say out loud I said something I wasn't supposed to. " You idiot I'm already married!!" They looked at me.
Dame it why now??
-internal screaming -
It is just not my day

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