Chapter 12

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Kate's pov
It was Matt I thought maybe my lack of food was screwing my brain up plus Hayes and Cam were with him,Matt glanced over at me and he quickly looked back at me "Kate?!" He said getting closer "stay away from me" I said and teared up I got my letters and limped back to my house.
Matts pov
I couldn't believe it my little sister looked horrible she was so skinny and she had a broken leg, when did this happen? I quickly followed her back to the house and I opened the door and I heard a door slam shut I'm guessing it was her door I went up the stairs and saw Burnie standing at her door "hey Burnie" I said and went to pet him but he started to growl at my Burnie has never growled at me he then started to bark at me, her door peeped open enough to let Burnie In But she shut it right away "Kate please let me in" I said but there was no response, I went downstairs and opened to fridge to get water but there was nothing in there well nothing good, all the food was rotten, I looked around and I noticed some stuff hadn't been touched I looked in the sink and the plates we used the night before the tour began were still sitting there exactly how I left them I put the plates away and the calendar in the kitchen was left unmarked Late would always cross off each day that went by it was left on May26 the last day of school, Kate hasn't done anything these past months it was now September so she's probably in school right?, I got her backpack and looked in it, it was just filled with stuff from her freshman year, I was surprised to find her phone at the bottom of the bag it looked like it's been un-used, I turn it on and it had 27% I looked through her messages and stuff and the last thing was our phone call, when I told her i couldn't visit, I run up the stairs and into my parents room, well more like the guest room I grabbed the box that has been sitting on the shelf for who knows how long now I opened it and got the spare keys that belonged to the houses I got one and unlocked Kate's door.

Kate's pov
I was in my room and curled up on my bed with Burnie I was so stirred up in side and I didn't know how to respond to this, then I heard the door knob shake and the door opened I turned around and it was Matt "get out" I said and pulled my blanket over my head "Kate come on please let's just talk" he said "what is there to talk about" I said, but I knew there was so much, "uh like your leg, and why there's been rotting food in our fridge from the beginning of summer, why you look so malnourished" I then took my blanket off and looked at him and sat up on my bed "Matt you promised me you would visit me and you never did" I told him "you never even texted me or even called, every time I tried to call you it was sent to your voicemail right away" I told him "Kate Iv just been so busy I don't have time" Matt told me "wow guess I know now where my place is in your life" I said "no Kate you mean so much to me please it's just the guys and I have gotten bigger so it's been hard for us to have a normal life" he said "the fuck Matt all you guys do is your how is that anything big" I said getting pissed "look I know you haven't been exactly on social media" Matt said holding up my phone, I haven't used it since the last time Matt called me I actually threw my phone and I just left it "oh my gosh where'd you find it" I asked shocked that he even found it "your old backpack" he said while plugging it into the charger "but look all the guys and I have over 6 million followers now" Matt said giving me his phone he was right their all famous now they hang out with like Justin,Kylie and bunch of other famous people "oh my goodness that's amazing Matt" I said shocked "yeah so now about you" he said "what about me?" I asked "you look like a walking skeleton" he said worried and I sighed "yeah" I just said plainly "and when I was looking through your back pack you still had all your old work from your freshman year aren't you continuing school?" He asked and I showed him my computer and he nodded "and your leg" he said pointing at my boot and crutches "I got dizzy one night and stumbled down the stairs hard" I told him and his eyes widened he pulled me in a hug "I'm so sorry I feel guilty as hell right now" he said "yeah but it's okay" I said plainly "here we need to get you food and re-nourish you" he said "okay" I said so why don't you get ready all the guys and lox are in town and we we're gonna go eat at this Italian restaurant" he told me and I nodded I went into my bathroom and looked at my makeup "damn do i even know how to use makeup anymore" I said to myself I put on foundation,contour, then I did a light smokey brown eyeshadow,winged eyeliner, and false lashes cause I didn't feel like putting time into my mascara. I looked at my hair and it's been in a bun almost everyday I took it out and straightened it I out on some light denim ripped jeans and a black cropped shirt I put on my adidas superstars well just one of my shoes cause of my boot and I grabbed my side bag that Matt got for me and looked in the mirror, I didn't look horrible but more decent then I thought I would've looked especially cause I haven't gotten this dressed up in so long I went downstairs and saw Matt in a maroon tshirt and khaki joggers and vans

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