A Change of Scenery

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Hello! This is a story that I started to write in 7th grade and just havent done anything with it since... I dont know if I want to continue it or not but... I thought it would be fun to post here! Props to KittyKat for coming up with the title August of last year (I was going through our skype messages when I found it :P) and for helping me with these first chapters :) This isnt edited so bare with me!  Also, as time goes on I will probably change some things in these chapters.

Chapter 1

“We’re moving” Those two words stopped me in my tracks as I was about to race upstairs and take a hot shower to cleanse me from my morning run.

“What? No we aren’t! Stop joking guys I have to take a shower. I feel icky!” My parents are really starting to get on my nerves. For the past two weeks I have been nothing but a good girl. I mean I haven’t even gotten arrested once! That’s a personal best. Now they pay my hard work with lying to me. Not cool.

“We aren’t joking Nell! Damn it we have been trying to tell you for the past week but you keep avoiding us. Go pack your stuff; we are moving in ten days. No discussion.” My dad said this with a voice that said “You better not mess with me or else I will kill you in your sleep with a spoon.” Not wanting to be killed with a spoon, I just shot him and my step-mother Kristy a glare that could kill and ran upstairs to take a shower and organize my thoughts.

When I got to my room, I immediately felt calmer. I love my room. It describes my personality perfectly. It is fairly big with medium purple walls, bright white carpet, some shelves, and my giant bed right in the middle of it. I have a balcony looking out into our front yard and I can see the entire neighborhood from here. My favorite part of the entire room, though, is my wall of photos. It has a wide range of pictures from me with my friends, to my family, to just random snapshots of something I find interesting. I have worked so hard on it and it kills me that I am going to have to take it down.

I quickly grabbed some sweats, underwear and a tank top from my drawers and then went down the hall to my bathroom. Making sure I had everything I needed, I turned the shower on ‘til it was so hot I was sure it was going to burn my skin and then stripped down to nothing and hopped in. As soon as I got in I let out a screech that I was sure could be heard in China and jumped right out. The shower water was way too hot. I quickly turned it down to a temperature that I could handle and then got in again, making sure that this time it wouldn’t burn my skin off. Maybe I should have thought that through… Anyway, as I started to lather up my long brown hair with shampoo, I began thinking of my ugly predicament.

There was no way in hell I was going to move. I can’t! My life has finally started to get better. If I leave now, it will screw everything up. It’s probably that bitch Kristy. I used to be really close to her, until she betrayed my trust. She used to be my yoga teacher before I caught her in a compromising position with my father. Talk about ew. That’s when I found out that she was befriending me just to get close to my dad. This completely broke my family up, and my mom… well I try not to think about it. Ever since then, I haven’t talked to her. This was about two years ago. My father and her started dating and are still in their honeymoon phase and it sickens me. Yes, you heard right. They ended up getting married last year. I had to be in the wedding too. Or well, I was supposed to. I decided to blow it off and go to a party with my friends.

Anyway, I am getting so off course. My name is Nell Simmons and I am 16 years old. With black scene-like hair with purple and bright blue high lights, light blue eyes, a medium height, and curvy, tan figure that my best friend Abby is extremely jealous of, I am a relatively pretty girl. I come off as an overly confident girl who has a bitchy personality which is why I don’t make friends easily but I don’t mind. The way I see it is if you judge me by the way I look or come across then I don’t want to become your friend. I have three brothers, one older and two younger and 2 sisters, both younger than me, but I will get to them later.

A Change of SceneryWhere stories live. Discover now