Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

                After breakfast, Gemma brought Kandice and Bentley up stairs and started to play with them while Kaiden and I cleaned up the mess. I was grateful for this because I needed to talk to him about the whole moving thing.

                “Kaiden, did dad and Kristy talk to you about moving?” I asked once we moved onto doing the dishes.

                “Yeah they just told me last night. All I know is we are moving to California in 10 days and you and me are in charge of packing up the entire house.” Kaiden was acting so calm about this while I was fuming inside.

                “How can you act so calmly? Things are just starting to get back to normal and now they ask us to pick up and move in TEN DAYS? What about my friends? Your friends? What are we going to do about school for you, Gemma, Bentley and I? What about Kandice’s daycare? Ughh what are we going to do Kay-kay?” Kay-Kay has always been my nickname for Kaiden. When we were little I could never say his full name so I just started calling him Kay-kay. Our relationship has always been close. No matter what we could always count on each other to be there. Kaiden has always been my rock. He has always helped me through hard times and whenever I had a problem that I needed solving or a good rant I would always go to him just like he would come to me.

                “Nelly calm down. We will figure this out. Right now all you need to do is focus on your last two days of school. Today we can spend time getting boxes to pack and telling our friends about the move. When dad and Kristy get home tonight then we can talk to them about our questions. If you want we can even go over a floor plan on what to pack first and when to pack up the rooms. Trust me Nell we can get this done.”

                “They aren’t coming back till Wednesday.  But I would like it if we could plan everything out.” Kaiden looked at me with a baffled expression. “What do you mean they aren’t coming home till Wednesday? Dad wouldn’t miss our last day of school. He has never missed them.”

                I gestured to the note that was still on the counter.  Kaiden picked it up and started to read it. “II don’t think dad even remembers that it’s our last day of school Tuesday. He’s too caught up in his little whore. ‘don’t skip school or else you’re grounded.’ Does that sound like he remembers?  Face it Kaiden, Kristy is ruining everything.”  Kaiden looked up at me with an angered expression ready to interrupt me but I didn’t let him.” You know I wouldn’t even care if he was just doing this to me, but doing this to the little kids, that’s just wrong.”        

                Kaiden came up and hugged me. “I know. But no matter what he does our little munchkins know that we will always be there for them. That’s all we can do Nelly.” I sighed and rested my head on his chest. By this time Kaiden and I had already finished cleaning up. “We should probably go and check on the little munchkins.” Kaiden let go of me and we headed upstairs.

                The play room was the last door on the right and we could hear noises coming from the room so we headed that way. When we opened the door we saw Gemma putting the finishing touches on a fort and Bentley trying to pull in a bunch of toys on top of a blanket. Kandice just sat in the corner with her Barbie’s and watched Gem and Bentley with amusement. When everyone finally noticed us they all charged toward us and tackled us, begging for us to play with them.

                The rest of the morning was spent playing with all of the kids inside the fort. Around one, I left everyone to make a quick lunch of grilled cheese for everyone and then Kaiden and I put them all to bed for a quick nap that we both knew wouldn’t last very long. Gemma is too old for naps but she always loves to lay with Kandy and Bentley so we let her.  It helps me because then I don’t have to keep checking up on all of them and I don’t have Gemma running around distracting me. During their nap Kaiden and I started to plan on how we are going to pack.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2013 ⏰

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