The hell world

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Everything was normal, a normal family, a normal school life and a normal city life in tokoyo of course . untill..........


Misu: a girl who's very clever , red hair and purple eyes. she loves calling people idiot and stupid and is very seriouse.

age: 15

katimu: very violent girl and loves fashion she is the top girl in martial arts. she has  brown coloured hair and blue eyes, but she mostly wears tomboy cloths.

age :15

 kanazawa: is the oldest girl, she has dark blue hair and purple eyes , very mature and seriouse, she always holds a wooden bamboo sword.

age: 16

mimi: is a school doctor who has yellow hair and brown eyes , she has the sweetest voice and not used to violence like the others.

age: 15

Sora: is a very violent boy who is lazy at times, he has short spiky black hair and brown eyes. he is quiet when ever some thing bad happens......h

age : 17

kohogi: is a dopy boy who always gets bullied at school because he is a nerd. he has brown hair and brown eyes and tallented.

age: 16


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