Within Minutes

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Hey guys I hope you like this. I thought of it during a boring car ride where anything amused me so some might think of it boring, but bear with me I will get a spark going in the next chapters :P love ya'll fan comment vote email idk whatever it is that ur supposed to do on here n I researched sum stuff sorry if this is where you live and your high school im not saying any of this happened by the area this is a fictional book :P enjoy


I dove straight into the endless water with only two thoughts in my mind: catching the small minnow in the salty water and beating Zach. We are miles from the shore, and the water feels like it might just turn into ice if it goes one degree below of what it already stands at. Looking hard and long through the left corners of my eyes, I could see pale white hands stretched out ready to catch its prey. As if!

I swam faster than what was already possible and cupped the frightened grey fish in my hands. Stopping all movement of my body, i turned just in time to see Zach crash straight into me. Obviously someone had bad reflexes, but I'm not pointing fingers. He straightened up, automatically moving his oversized hands to fix his auburn hair while I let the minnow go. It was just a game we played where the first one to catch a minnow won.

"Wow, are looks that important to you?"

"Why yes, love. Looks are everything, but sometimes, they can be very deceiving. You would know that the most," he stated with a chuckle.

Of course I would. I go out into the open every day attempting to make the impression of a human. "Whatever. Come on, dinners almost ready. Mom told me we get to eat the American hamburger. She finally convinced Dad to go order from McDonalds, but he's probably tweaking it to be a little healthier. Hurry lets go before we eat carrots in between bread," I stated while twirling in the water.

"Really!? Hamburgers? That sounds so satisfying right now. Too bad you can't smell underwater because I bet you I would be able to smell the meat from here," While on our way to my Italian fashioned home, I explained to Zach what an actual high school with humans in it is like. I've explained to him every day, but each day I'd have to go into a deeper detail. He was quiet the whole time with the exception of some "Oos" and "COOLs!"


The thick wooden poles holding up my house were finally in our sight. My father had this house made like this because Mom couldn't just pull her body with her hands out of the shore where the water is not deep enough to swim freely. The house is located on the shore, and the back door leads to land as for the front door leads to nothing but miles of clear blue ocean water. My dad while waving to us to hurry up with one hand held a platter of food in his other hand that captured a mouth watering smell that both of us could now detect because we already broke the surface of the water seconds ago.

Sometimes, I was glad to be in Charleston, South Carolina. I met awesome friends, who were awesome from the start, and they still act that way, the water has less salt than my previous home which was in Panama by the canal. That is where I picked up my Spanish even though I look nothing Spanish, and I was born in the north of the Pacific Ocean sandwiched between California and southern Canada. That was before I interacted with humans. Well I only started doing that a few months ago, and before that, my seventeen winters, springs, summers, and autumns have only included one human in my life- my dad. Good thing I had him, or else, I wouldn't be a rare mermaid, siren, fish person, whatever people called them nowadays. See, because my mom takes the shape of a mermaid and my dad takes the shape of a human, I can get out of the water and turn human-like, but deep down I'll always be a mermaid. When I'm in the water, I turn back into what I originally am.

Once we reached the house I pulled myself on the porch and Zach copying my movements beside me, flapped his tail splashing me with a smile, but after a minute or so, I look down to see two perfect tanned legs. It's a good thing they don't grow hair. I had a towel beside me to cover up that my dad had brought out earlier, and I quickly put it on before Zach caught a glimpse of something that he isn't supposed to see. I swiftly pulled my new feet onto the wooden porch and i moved naturally like I had been human my whole life. I could just see my mom's fin in the water approaching us. She always loves it when Zach comes over but for some reason, she suspects that there happens to be something going on between on us that seem to be a friendship deeper than best friends, no not a friendship at all more like a secret relationship. How wrong she is, we've been friends since my first day here at Charleston, but I just can't get that through to her.


I flipped the lights on while in my human form. I completely hate the morning and the sudden change of light burned my eyes for some seconds. I automatically walked over to the bathroom across the narrow hall.

The walls were painted a shade lighter than a baby blue, and there were amazing treasures mom and I had found that sat still by the sink. While splashing cold water into my face, I reached to get the towel to the left of me.

Staring right back at me was a tanned seventeen year old girl with dark brown strands of hair going everywhere. My hair was kind of cool; I guess it's like the hazel eyes I'm never going to have. Sometimes my hair would give the impression of a natural brunette's hair, but sometimes, it would look like a dark brown color with hints of red. Under my chocolaty eyes were a set of full pink-like lips. I turned the handle of the shower and jumped in. I liked the cold exhilarating showers that made me jump once my skin touched it. I wouldn't turn into a mermaid yet because this is just fresh water instead of salted water.

Once my foot touched the tiles out of the shower, I smell of fresh eggs shot up my nose. After getting dressed and putting my makeup on, I dashed into the bathroom once more to get a better look at myself. I love the dress my parents bought me past Christmas. It is a mix of orange and red with a design of small holes outlining circles on the top. It was fitted a little more tightly at the waist and was very wavy with an edge of volume at the bottom where it cut down to my knees. I layered the dress with a see-through short sleeved crème shirt that tied with a yellow and red striped belt. I have to make a good impression on my first day back to James Island Charter High School home of the Trojans. :D I hurried downstairs after fixing my thin liner. I'm not able to skip steps because I am only five feet two inches tall. I'm one inch taller thank my mom when I am in my other form, though.

"Good morning fatherly father. How has your day been? Thanks for the eggs. I'll see you in seven joyful hours. Bye." I rushed out of the house laughing plate in hand. My dad would always make a big fuss about pictures on the first day of school. Crap like that. I ate the eggs at the bus stop; they were still warm. Finally, the big yellow limo came.

I was greeted once again by the pruney Ms. Jenkins. She has been my bus driver since I have lived here. Because the school was twenty minutes away, I'm one of the first to get picked up. Her hair is thin and a barely there white. Her skin looks like a deflated air balloon; not to mention her arms. When she twitched, It looked like there was a wave going on in her arms. I wouldn't really call her the most attractive.

After the hard and painful ride, the crowded bus jerked to a stop at the front of my school. It had a homey look to it. Nervous as ever, Sydney stood by the doors of the school, and I hurried to catch up with her. There was some serious winds going on today, and my curly brown hair got attracted to my face, making me stop about twenty times before I reached her. Sydney's blonde shoulder-length hair was blowing angelically back.

"Girl what's up? Why are you so nervous? Let me guess, you lost your cat again?!"

"No, stupid! Stop teasing me!"

"What? I was just kidding. Don't be like that, what's wrong you're going to give me a heart attack!"

"Well, umm, I, uhh...." Those three seconds of silence were one of the worst of my life. Somehow in my mind I got it that she robbed a bank and I had to hide her underwater. She was the only one that knew about me, and she swore to me she hasn't told a soul, but now, I am starting to doubt her words.

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