Within Minutes pt 2

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Ok umm well here is the nxt part  comment vote wtvr tnx guys love yall bunches

<>< <>< those r fish.. srry I figured that out yesterday n I was like wow awesome so I thought id share it with yall <>< o n if u guys think this story completely sucks it'd help if you told me. That way I can improve.    


Sydney paused for another second or two, but it felt like a lifetime. "Sydney, honey, you have to tell me what's going on. It will always seem worse than what it truly is, now out with it!"

"Well, you see, I, uhh, okay I'm just going to let it out. I'm going to spill the beans. I'm going to-but I cut her off before she could finish.

"I'm not going to ask one more time. It's alright whatever it is. If there's a problem, there's a solution." I'm a big literature junkie so when I hear some good words of wisdom I bent it to be my own.

"I'm moving Josefina. All the way to Louisiana," She blurted out as tears shed from her eyes.

"Oh goodness, no." I was speechless no words seem to produce at my mouth; they just got stuck in my throat. I hugged for a while until she calmed down.

"It's alright. I can always visit. Wait, when are you moving? " I questioned with a hint of hope bleeding through my tone of voice.

"Mom told me, but I can't remember because I was so stressed out, but I know it's in a couple of months. The bad part happens to be that we are going to move very close to the northern border to try to escape future tsunamis."

"Let's get to class before we're late one more time. My dad is going to kill me if I get one more phone call home" The whole time we were talking it felt like no one was surrounding us, but now that I take a glimpse, there were only some jocks sitting by the curb waiting for the late bell to ring for them to get up and enter the school.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go. Okay, now that we know I'm leaving, let's live our short time to the fullest, and not one unpleasant thought should enter our minds. Does that sound like a plan to you?"

"I guess. I wonder if we are going to have the same classes. Remember last year the administrators said I might get bumped up to senior lit classes, but I don't remember telling you, but if I made it, so would you. As long as I tutored you, though," I stated happily. Talk about mood swings.

"What?! Josefina, why would you do that?! The last thing we need is our whole schedule taken up by extra homework, studying, and now tutoring. The only positive point going on in this situation is the fact that we're starting fresh in that class and there are going to be some hot guys there that we haven't already checked out. I'm starting to like your devious Ideas." She said as our laughter brought us into the front desk.

"Oh, hi Mrs. umm... I'm sorry I forgot your name. Sorry." Why would I want to apologize to some woman I met only once last year when she talked to me about the advanced literature placement? Though, I have to admit, she was very stunning to just be working at a boring high school. Her gray eyes followed me while I sat down.

"Welcome back children. I just wanted to make sure this is your friend that we talked about before. Oh, and my name is Mrs. Johnson, but I prefer Mrs. Keera when we are alone." I hated this woman from the start. Her eyes always bore down into mine with malevolence while she dramatically flipped back her perfectly straight jet black hair.

"Yeah, this looks like my best friend Sydney, so I'm not really doubting that it really is her," I told her. I'm not really a bitch to people, but Ms. Keera just wasn't under my imaginary group of nice people.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2010 ⏰

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