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I saw another car coming closer from the opposite side.
I was really scared, but I understood that it was Luhan.
Suho was now really close and when Luhan came out ,"wow. Wow. See who is here! Mr. indestructible!"
All Luhan gave him was a grin.
I saw Luhan's gun, too.
And Chanyeol's.
I was only the one without any gun.
Chanyeol pushed me at back of his body, and as soon as Suho brought up his gun, the others done the same.
"Put away your gun Suho!" Chanyeol said it with a serious voice.
"I have to finish everything right now.
"Chanyeol, bring her into the car."
Luhan told him with a calm but serious voice.
He took my hand and suddenly Tao shouted, "hey pretty, if you wanna see your brother die again, you can go and sit in the car. I'm sure you will do it cuase you can't even protect yourself."
I stopped walking. Chanyeol pushed my hand a little.
I heard shooting, and I saw Luhan bleeding from his hand.
The next target was Chanyeol, cause I saw Kai aiming at him.
I ran and put my body like a shield in front of him, and bang....
It hurted so much, and I couldn't hear anything. All I saw was Chanyeol shouting and moving me.
And then....just darkness....again.

Chanyeol's pov
I was shaking her asking for help when I saw Luhan sitting next to me.
He was pushing his arm to stop the bleeding.
"Let's go. Put her in the car."
I hugged her and put her in the car, while they were shooting.
I started the car and Luhan got on.
At the last moment all I could do was push the gas pedal as hard as I could to save her.

We ran away, even though it was really hard.
Luhan was okay, but Jion...
They brought her into the surgery room.
I was putting my head on the wall.
I couldn't feel anything I was numbed.
It was like a big hammer that had hit me on the head.
She saved my life.
You should stay alive....
You should.....
I saw Luhan beside me.
"She will be okay...."
And he put his intact hand on my shoulder.
The surgery lasts after 7 hours.
Those hours were like my death hours.
When the doctor came out we both ran to see how she was.
But doctor's face wasn't something that we wanted.
"She had a gun shot near her hear, and she was bleeding so bad.She is in coma. If she just can't come out after 10 days....then we can separate the machines."
And he left us.
I fell down. I was death. I put my hands on my face to hide my tears.
She is the one that I love. Maybe she never said that she loved me but she showed it.
Luhan was just like me. He had problem in breathing, his breathes were heavy.
They brought her to ICU.
We were standing in front of the ICU room. Looking at a girl sleeping between all those machines.
To be honest she was just a body laying there.
We couldn't see her. It was even harder not to be able to touch her.

"I'm sorry...."
My voice was so down that I wasn't sure he heard me or not.
"Why should you?"
"I love your sister, while I betrayed you like that."
"With what I saw today she loves you too. I've forgot about everything, but I will keep an eye on you!"
Then he left.
I was really ashamed. With all the problems that I've made for them, they will always be nice to me.

Her uncle came at 12p.m.
He didn't talk to me, but he didn't say anything bad. I wish he would come and hit me so hard on the face.

I was really angry. Everything was their fault and mine.
I was really angry. I took my jacket and wet to the yard.
I went near the wall and punched the wall.
I took out a cigarette. I inhaled all it's smoke so that I would become calmer,
But nothing could make me calm at that moment.

It was the first day.
They told us that we can see her.
They doctor told us that she can feel everything , so make her happy.
Luhan and his uncle tried her best, but nothing changed.
Luhan told me to go in.
I couldn't say anything.
I was taking and her hand and looking at her closed eyes, but nothing happened.
She was still laying there, without even having the ability to breath by herself.
I couldn't speak. I was speechless.
All I did was staring atat her until the nurse made me to go out.

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