Chapter 14

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2 months later:

School ended for the summer about a week ago and today was my first day at my new job. Cory and I wanted to move into an apartment together by the end of the summer, so both of us got a job to save up.

If you're wondering, yeah we're together (smiles). No one really asked, it just kind of happened. Things were getting hard for Cory at home because his mom was doing pills and such and it was tempting him. We both knew him moving into my house would be a no go for my dad.

I got a job at a lawyer's office, answering phones. Not the most fun of a job I could have but it does what I need. Cory got a job helping guys put roofing up. Living together was amazing, and so far there had been no drama.

I had been pacing back and forth in our apartment since I found out. I was now waiting for Cory to get home.

"Is something wrong?" Cory asked me when he walked in to see me pacing.

"No, I have to tell you something though."

"Okay, shoot." He told me while kissing my forehead.

"We're gonna.."

"Hold up one second I have a call."

This is just making me even more nervous, I just want to hurry and tell him and get it over with.

"Okay, sorry baby." He told me a few minutes later.


"We're going to be parents." I let out quickly.

"Really?" He asked. "How far?"

"3 months." I tried to make myself sound as excited as he did.

"This is great." He smiled at me.

After he calmed down from his excitement he went to call his mom and tell her the news.

2 weeks later:

Cory had been acting a little down since he talked to his mom the night he found out I was pregnant. He just kind of moped around.

After work one day he came home in a horrible mood. He was slamming things and everything.

"What is your problem?" I asked, getting irritated.

"Don't act like you don't know."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Damnit Delaney, who else have you been sleeping with?" He yelled.


"Quit with the shit."

"The only person I have slept with is you."

"Well that is bullshit." He yelled.

I wanted to know what was going on. He had tears forming in his eyes

"I can't have kids Delaney."

"But you can. It's here, it's right here."

"No, it's impossible. Just tell me who you slept with." He said in a whisper like tone.

Then the night came rushing back to me. His face was there. It was staring at me.


"Come on, baby." He said, kissing my shoulder.

He grabbed my hand and began leading me to his room. Once we were in there, he closed the door and pushed me up against it. His hands began exploring my body and I was enjoying it.

I shouldn't do this, I can't do this to Cory. He deserves better than this. I can't...but he's doing everything so damn...right.

He pulled my shirt quickly over my head, I pulled his shirt off. Then I unbuttoned his pants, pushing them down as I left a trail of kisses on his chest.

"You belong with me." He told me as he pumped in and out of me. "I'm the one you want to be with, not him." He told me as he came to his climax and I the same.

He began kissing down my stomach.

"I can do things to you that he'd never be able to do."

*End of Flashback*


Short, I know. But I wanted a cliffhanger! ;)

Hope everyone has an amazing Halloween.


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