Meeting the sextuplets

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I woke to my alarm clock blasting an awful tone. I rolled out of bed finally throwing on some old clothes that I didn't mind getting sweaty. Realizing I had a ton of unpacking to do. Maybe I could get Todomatsu to help? There was a ton of heavy stuff and I certainly couldn't do it by myself. I decided to go next door and ask Todomatsu for some help, exiting my home I walked next door. I knocked on the door, and soon came Todomatsu to the door wearing a green sweatshirt.
"Hey Todomatsu! I was wondering if you could help me unpack?"
Todomatsu got a weird look on his face, "I'm Choromatsu."
"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know Todomatsu had a brother."
"Hey! Who's at the door Choromatsu?"
Another person wearing a red sweatshirt came to the door he looked like Todomatsu as well, "Um? Todomatsu?"
"I'm Osomatsu." He said with a goofy grin on his face, "What do you need Totty for?"
I shifted my feet uncomfortably, "He said he could help me unpack."
"Ah? Whose this pretty girl?" Another boy that looked the same as the other three popped up. He had a yellow sweatshirt and a wide open mouth smile.
"A pretty girl? She must be here to see me? My lovely Karamatsu girl what is your name?" Another boy appeared in a blue sweatshirt and sparkly pants only to be punched in the gut by a boy in a purple sweatshirt.
"Stay down Shittymatsu." The boy in the purple said darkly.
"Oh! (Y/n)-chan your here!"
All of the Todomatsu look a likes turned to him and a sinister aura filled the room.
"Oh, Totty! Sweet little Totty! Are you meeting girls without us again?
"Shame Totty! Shame!
"You didn't even tell us!"
Todomatsu shrunk back as they grew closer. I decided to speak up.
"Um? So are there anymore of you or is this all of you?"
The one called Osomatsu turned to face me, "Yeah this is all of us!" He smiled cheekily, "We're sextuplets! Brothers line up! I'm Osomatsu, the oldest!"
"I'm Karamatsu, the second oldest! My dear-"
"I'm Choromatsu. Third oldest.
"My name's Jyushimatsu!"
"And you know me (Y/n)-chan!"
When the finished I spoke up,"Um, like Todomatsu said, I'm (Y/n). It's nice to meet you all!" I smiled shyly, looking up at all six of them.
"So cute." They all said in unison.
"O-oh, uh, thank you!" I felt my face heat up, can you guys help me unpack? There are a few really heavy boxes and moving in is really hard sometimes."
"My dear Karamatsu girl I shall help yo- ack!"
"I told you to stay down."
Osomatsu stepped in front of his brothers and laughed, "We'd love to help!"
Jyushimatsu jumped up and down, "We are going to a girls house!"
I secretly hoped I hadn't made a bad decision, they seemed nice. Hopefully they won't hurt any of my equipment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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