Chapter 4 - My Answer

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===Taylor's P.O.V===

I woke and as usuall I did my daily routine and went to school. While I was going to school I remembered something.

OMG, what will I answer Romide.? Geez I such a fail.! Okay, be cool ust let it go for know. I arrived at school and saw Abi .

"Taylor.!" Abi said excitingly. "So what's your answer.?" She asked with joy , that question again.?

"uuumm, to be honest I don't know" I said face palmed

"Don't be sad I'll support you in everything" Abi said patting my back

"Thanks Abi" I said


When launch came me,Abi,Keziah and Chloe went lunch together.

I saw Ellan glancing over Chloe a copple of times "Chloe, is everything alright between you and Ellan.?" I asked of curiosity cause ever since 2nd grade Ellan is pissing Chloe he even said that he likes her but I don;t know if he really does.

"uummm, I don't know." Chloe said in a low voice

"Ok" i said

"So, Taylor . may I ask you a weird question.?" Keziah asked

"Umm, I guess" I said. I wonder what will she asked. I hoped this doesn't include Romide

"Actually this is about Romide" she said. Well, my luck is gone 

"Oh yeah, Taylor. I wanna ask you a question about him too" Abi said. Wow thanks

"uummm" Chloe said

"Do you like him.?" The 3 of them asked in union

"oh.umm.well" I stuttered cause I don't know the answer. The truth is I kinda like him but I don't know him. But it's not just like but LOVE. I wonder if this is love.

"well, I don't like him. Cause I Love him" I said under my breath . Oh my I hope thy didn't hear it

"AAAHHHHHH..!!! aayyyiiiee Taylor's Inlove" They teased

"Guys, please would you keep it a secret .?" i begged

"sure thing, Taylor" They said between they're laughs

Then I heard a fake cough behind us and to my surprise it's



ROMIDE. Oh My gosh . I hope he didn't heard it.

"Oh-uh how long you've been there, Rom.?" Abi asked , nervous

"Oh, I was just here. just now" Romide answered confidently

" *sighs in relief* Ok " Chloe said

"So, umm Taylor would you like to walk with me.? He said while reaching his hand for me to accept it

I looked at the 3 and they were giggling I gave them a 'help-me-look' and they said

"Oh, It's ok. Taylor you could go" Chloe said with a smirk . Oh no

"so, shall we.?" he asked

"Sure" I said and gave him a smile and he took my hand. It's so soft.!

When we walk to the hallways I saw my classmates giving me a thumbs up and others are glaring at me. I almost forgot that Romide was holding my hand no wonder others are glaring

I hope I won't get into trouble.

"uumm, we are we going.?" i asked in a nice way

"To the garden" he said and gave a smile. I'm gonna melt anytime now. 

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