Flashing Lights

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I opened my eyes...

Bright lights kept passing my view..

Over and over again..

Until it stopped.

I looked around to see blurry figures running around me. They were grabbing things...what? I have no clue. I tried to sit up, but it felt like a weight was holding all my limbs down. I couldn't feel anything.....not even the air circulating through my lungs.

Was I even breathing?

I finally found the strength to sit up, but when I did, I panicked. All around the room were doctors. Swarming everywhere,trying to find the right tools the right gadgets...

What the hell?

I stood up and turned around,only to be faced with something I wasn't prepared for.

My body.

It was just laying there..limp.

I walked closer,examining myself. I looked awful. If I did survive,I'd never be the same. I had a long,thin scar,about two inches long on the left side of my forehead near my hairline;It was oozing blood. You could tell I had some kind of brain trauma, cause my hair had turned a bright auburn color,more so red. My chest was bruised on each side,especially my right;It was cut up badly.And it was black and purple looking,as if though someone had just taken a sledgehammer to it. And my legs.

Football was out of the question.

Any sport at that.

Sorrow filled my body as my boys and my beautiful Ariel entered my mind. My boys were gonna grow up without a father.. That's all I ever wanted.

To be everything they needed.

And Ariel..Lord knows..I don't even wanna know how she's taking this.

I rubbed my forehead,watching as the doctors began to try and bring me back. I stared for a moment, until I began to feel a little bit tingly inside and before I knew it..

I was out.


Ariel's POV...

The boys and I had been sitting in Michael's  room for the past hour now. Just watching him. King sat in my lap,while Prince laid next to him on the bed. I'd been crying all night long,thinking about Michael. Wondering if he'd ever wake up,hell, if he'd even survive.

The doctor told me that they had stabilized Michael's  breathing,but he was still unresponsive. He was in a coma now,and all we could do was wait.

It's been a month.

I don't know how much longer it'll be..

I watched as Prince played with his dad's long curly hair. Honestly, Michael's  hair was the only thing that was giving me faith. As crazy as it sounds,his hair won't stop growing. He's got facial hair now, not dirty and scruffy, but thin. And the hair on his head is almost,if not past,his elbows.

I smiled,looking at how beautiful he was even in the condition he was in. He was so strong,and I know he is a fighter.

He's gonna win this.

I got up with King in my arms and walked over to Michael's bed. I rubbed the top of his head and gave a him sweet kiss on the lips. I let it linger for a bit,before pulling away,watching his cute little puffy lips stay in a little pout.

"Mommy look!" Prince screeched while pointing at his father. I looked to where he was pointing to see Michael slightly moving his thumb. I smiled,grabbing his hand and holding it close to my heart.

You'll be just fine baby....

You'll be just fine.

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