Tagged Again

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Hey guys Ive once again been tagged by my good friend Derpy13 . So instead of making this a long tag ill just get right to the questions.

1.Time you go to sleep?
I normally go to sleep at 12 pm

2.When do u wake up
Around 8 pm (i know its weird but i get more alone time when its late at night so i can write my stories)

3.What do u do when u first wake up
What most people do....check my phone

4.What are u doing right now
Writing this.....or Sleeping

5.Favorite  street food
Um not sure what you mean by street food but ill go with tacos

6.Favorite expression (referring dirty words if u have)
Hmm i think the only one ice used is
"Thats what He/She said"

7. Reading or writing

8. What anime made u cry
Um i guess "The grave of the fireflies"
It didn't make me cry just really sad

9.Anime that made u crazy
Maybe death note

10.Ketchup or gravy

11.Chubby, slim, over weight
Does it matter?

12.dota or coc
Clash of clans

13.wattpad or facebook

14.rain or sun
Rain because its not sunny😁
And because its cool sometimes

15.best game app

POKEMON GOOOO!!! nah im kidding there was this cool gameit reminds me of limbo but i forgot the name.

16.scrabble or chess

17.If u could have any wild animal what animal and why
A Sloth bc their cute and slow....like me
Nah but bc their just adorable

18. Favorite  number

19.favorite letter

20. Tags:

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