Love at First Sight

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Willow lay on the couch all afternoon that Saturday. She was exhausted. Not only from the humongous weight added on by her nine month pregnant belly she had to carry around, but Jake was having a tough time at work. It really affected life at home.

Willow looked down at her stomach. She was really upset today. She and Jake had a huge fight the night before and they still hadn't really talked much since. The way things were going, they wouldn't be able to afford this month's rent...

Jake wanted to work crazy extra hours for two jobs. But willow knew he couldn't handle it, and she didn't want it to affect their relationship at home... too late.

Jake walked around the house a little more tired than usual. A little more upset. And a little more... not really there.

Willow sat up as he came down to leave for work. She met him at the front door. "Have a good day at work."

He forced a small smile.

"I love you," she said.

"Love you, too," He said, almost forced.

Then he left. Willow now was sure of what she suspected. Jake didn't want to be with her. He was only married to her because of their horrible mistake.

She collapsed onto the couch, phone in hand. Who could she talk to? Who would always be there? Her parents were both at work...

She put her phone down and grabbed the car keys instead. Willow knew exactly what to do to ease her mind.

She drove back to the neighborhood she grew up in. Tony and ziva still hadn't moved since she was four. She drove down to the house and knocked. She hated that she had to knock at what felt like her own house now.

Andy opened the door. He smiled. "Hey, willow. What's up?"

She smiled. "I was just wondering if you'd like to go down to Frisbee's and get some ice cream. I've got nothing else to do."

Andy smirked some. He knew that Willow knew that Frisbee's was his favorite ice cream place. "That would be awesome. Let me grab my shoes. I'll be right out."

Willow went back to the car and waited. As soon as Andy was there, she drove to Frisbee's. They got their ice cream and took a seat at a cute little picnic table in the shade.

Andy studied his olded sister's face. "So why are you really doing this?"

Willow's smiled faded. "I haven't had the best of days... Jake and I had a huge fight last night and it's been really tough recently. He just seems like he doesn't love me anymore. Like he's only with me because of this accident."

Andy's face dropped. He stared at his sister very seriously. "Willow. Listen to me. If there is one thing I know about Jake, it's that he loves you. Need I remind you that he had the ring ready before you told him??? You two are made for each other. No fight or mistake will get in your way."

Willow almost laughed at herself. Andy was 15 as of a few days ago and still made more sense than anyone she ever knew. (Changing Andy's age just slightly, sorry!)

"Gosh, how I miss you, andy. You are the best little brother a girl could ask for."

"Same to you, except older and sister."

Willow laughed, but her laugh was cut short. She shifted uncomfortably.

"What is it, willow?"

"Nothing. Nothing. I'm just gonna go to that restroom over there. Stay here and don't get kidnapped."

That was a joke that ran in the family. Every time they left someone alone they'd say "Don't get kidnapped."

When willow returned, she looked different. Imagine a pale face that is also flushed. Patches of her face, mostly on the cheeks, were red. And the rest was pale.

"Andy, do you have your learner's permit with you?"

"Of course, I take it with me everywhere. What going on?"

"I need you to drive me to the hospital. The baby's coming."

Andy's eyes widened. He had just gotten his license and only had three days of practice.

"I can't drive under stress!! I've only driven 3 days!!"

"Andy! You have to!! There's no choice! Just pretend you're with dad and everything's fine."

Andy cleaned up the table fast and hopped in the car. Willow waddled to the passenger door and got in. After taking about five minutes to prepare to drive, andy took off.

He drove about five miles over the speed limit. Willow tried to help as much as she could with directing, but she had to stop talking several times to focus on not squealing in pain.

She had already called Tony and Ziva. Now she had to call Jake. He was still in a meeting as far as she knew. But this was an emergency.

He answered and sounded almost mad. "What do you need??"

Willow wishes she could reach through the phone and slap him. "Jake, quit the attitude!!! The baby is coming. Meet me at the hospital."

She hung up after that, tears already forming in her eyes. The way he treated her, combined with pain and emotions made her want to cry.

"Get off on this exit," she said, though sounding upset.

Andy glanced over at he and then did as she said. They made it to the hospital, and Willow made Andy stay in the waiting room. She promised him that she'd be fine.

Tony and ziva were the first to arrive. They both went back with Willow. They came in and she was drenched in sweat already. She was drained physically and emotionally.

"Mom, dad.. you're here," she said weakly.

Ziva was the quickest to her. "Yes. We are here. How are you doing?"

Willow shook her head. "I just want to be done. I want to get this over with already!"

It went on like that for a while more. Meanwhile, jake was having trouble leaving work. He wanted to be there, but his boss wasn't letting him go.

"Sir, it's an emergency. My wife is-"

"I don't care, Miller! You said you want these hours, so don't be complaining to me."

Jake was furious with his boss now. "I'm sorry, mr. Billings, but do what you'd like, my wife is having a baby and I don't intend on missing it!"

Before his boss could answer, jake stormed out of the office. He drove to the hospital, angry at traffic the whole way. It took him two hours to get to the hospital. It took him a while to park and get into the place.

He ran up to the front desk. "Hi, my wife should be here, she's having a baby."

"Name?" The lady said, emotionless.

"Willow Miller."

The lady typed and clicked a few things. "Ah, Yes. Go right through those doors and turn right until you get to it end of the hallway. Her room is on the end. It looks like she just delivered a baby-"

"What?! I'm late?! Oh crap she's gonna kill me!!" He darted down the hallway, shoes squeaking. The whole time, he was thinking, 'oh crap oh crap oh crap. I'm dead. I'm late and I'm dead.'

He reached the room and knocked on the door, then entered before being invited in. "Willow, I'm so sorry im-" He froze when he saw her sitting up, holding a small, pink bundle in her arms.

She looked at him and the smile that was on her face faded. Now she was mad. Really mad.

"What the heck jake??? If I didn't have our baby girl in my arms, you would be DEAD!"

Then she turned back to the little girl in her arms. Jake stumbled over and sat. "I'm really sorry... wow... she's beautiful."

Willow smiled. "She really is."

Jake took her from willow. The little baby wiggled for a moment, revealing her wrist band that read, "Isabella Lilliana Miller."

He smiled down at little Isabella. He could've sworn she smiled back. He was choked up even. He looked at willow.

"It reminds me of when I met you... Love at First Sight."

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