Chapter 9 | secrets from the past

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Zara's Pov

It's like I've been sleep for eternity. I try opening my eyes but I just can't. I try again and bright sunlight enters my eyes. "Am I in heaven?"

"Zara! Your up that goddess!" The voice seemed very familiar. A voice I never wanted to hear again. My eyes fluttered close and I reopened them when someone held my hand.

I whimper and pull my hand away feeling the disgusting sparks. "Your awake," the doctors says. "No I'm sleep," I say sarcastically. I regret it when I see it was the doctor who said it. "Sorry," my voice comes out hoarse and hands me a glass of water.

"I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that your whole body is in shock so you won't be able to walk for a while. That explains why my legs fill numb. The good news..... Well I don't know if you will call this good news but your pregnant with a baby girl!

I froze on the bed and my eyes widen. "B-but how?" "I guess one of your miscarriages wasn't really a miscarriage." "How many months?" "About two," she says.

The whole time I didn't know Jason was right there. "We're having a baby girl", he smiles. His hand comes towards me and I flinch with wide eyes. "Please don't hurt me."

He frowns and moves a piece of hair out of my face. "I'm so sorry love cake. I'm so sorry for hurting you. I regret it."

"How long was I sleep?" "About a month." My eyes widen. "Why were you so depressed when you were younger? Why did those kids make fun of you?"

"H-how do you know this?" "The moon goddess told me about your life."

"Well when I was little people at school would make fun of how I dressed and looked. I wasn't pretty like the other girls. I used to wear glasses just for reading. I had short blonde hair while the other girls had long pretty blonde hair.

I learned to be independent at school." I shrug my shoulders. "Since I'm independent it's time I do this," I sigh.

"I Zara Scott rejects future alph"- before I could finish Jason smashed his lips onto mine. It's a slow and soft kiss but I don't move a muscle. "Don't ever think of doing that", he says while pulling away.

He pulls my sore body into a hug and kisses my forehead. "Love cake I have a surprise for you." He picks me up and takes me out of the hospital room. He opens a different door and baby things are in it.

The room is pink and there's stuffed animals a crib and more. "When did you do this", I whisper.

"When the doctor told me you were pregnant with out child", he smiles. "I don't get it. We never fully mates? Wait..... Never Mind", I whisper. That night still haunts me when he raped me till morning time.

He told me that he regretted it because I was a ugly blonde bimbo whore. Who would fuck any and everything that has a males part.

That hurt so much even though it wasn't true. I hadn't even had my first kiss until now.

"I won't hurt you anymore Zara. I promise. Your my Luna Zar." I sigh and get irritated. "Can you just take me to my room. Wait never mind I mean the cells."

I completely forgotten that my room was the cells. "Why the cells when you have a room?"

"I have a room?" He nods as he carries me to the room. "It's actually our room." He scratches the back of his neck as I look horrified.

"I promise I won't do anything while we're sleep." He sets me down on the bed and sits on the edge. "I have to give you a bath. The doctor told me to."

My eyes widen and I shake my head. "No way in hell are you doing that!" "Look Zara it's not like I haven't seen your body already besides your kind off hurt right now."

I groan knowing it will go his way. He carries me and turns on the water. He helps
Me undress and places me into the warm water. I squeeze my eyes shut us the water stings my sore body but mostly my back.

"Sorry Zara." He scrubs my hair like I have to hands to do it my own self. I couldn't complain though it felt good. I drifted off into sleep.

I woke up in a bed with Jason. I feel asleep in the bath tub? I sigh as I seen that my shirt rose up showing my small baby bump.

Even though my baby is a production rape I will love he to the moon and back. I was thinking of names in my head. Blaire, Clara, Zuri, Jamie, Jenny, Ariana. I had so many names I could pick from but I really liked how Clara sounded when I said it.

I'm scared to even be by Mason I'm just being strong right now. I wonder what the moon goddess said to him
To make him act so nice to me. "Was it because he finally realized I was his mate? Or was it because I was almost halfway to dying? Or was it because I have his daughter in my stomach?"

So many questions went through my head but I finally feel asleep.

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