Making A Mermaid

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   Kicking her feet around in the water, it made her want to become one of them even more. She's always wanted to be one since she was 7. She could've sworn she saw one that day. But of course, her father didn't believe her. Ariel couldn't believe it either! A fisherman that doesn't believe in mermaids? Ridiculous.

"I will become one of you, you will see!" Ariel yelled at the ocean with tears filling her eyes. She ran to get her mother's old sewing kit and told her father she just wanted to sew on the sand like usual and he ignored her and did his own thing.
"I love you, Dad."

No reply. She changed into her strapless bra that looked like two purple shells were attached. Nothing else.

She ran to the rock she sat on when she thought and started to sew.
"Start with the feet, stop at the thighs. Ignore the....pain."

She was finally ready. Here I come! She said in her head, filled with joy, the pain still becoming worse by the second.

"Ariel! No!" The mystery man screamed. She turned around and saw Eric.
"I'm sorry." she whispered and jumped into the water. She struggled for a long while and then tried to breathe under water, like they do. Soon, reporters were all over the case of Ariel's "suicide" as said by them. I'm sure she's glad she inspired little girls to do the same.

3 weeks later after Ariel's death
   "'Mommy, I'll be back! I'm just going to play on the sand' our darling, 9 year old Isabella Yurner said before tying up her legs and jumping into the ocean." news reporter, Jean Harrison addressed. "There have been 3 other girls attempting Ariel's same case. Garcia Rosa (age:19), Lori Nimmle (age:14), and Arianna Linus(age:12) were the others and we still do not have a clue what's going on here. Isabella only 9! What's happening to our children? We'll be back in a few with more details. This is Channel 50 News."

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