TV's and Windows

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Ugh...sorry i haven't updated in awhile. This chapter was gonna be... racy, to say the least, but i just couldn't post it. so it was typed and ready, but i was too embarressed to actually do anything about it. SO. without further ado, here is the revised story ^.^



What the hell just happened? Why did she just kiss me? Why don’t I care? All these questions were buzzing around my head. I know I said I was going to the gym, but instead I just walked around the hotel, trying to get my thoughts together. I mean, I know Victoria’s dead, but that’s why we’re on this assignment, to get her back, and Trevor. So it’s technically still cheating, right? Maybe? I don’t know… she is dead… but that doesn’t mean I can go kissing another girl, right? I can’t deny it…I liked that kiss, but Kamra is so…annoying! Obviously bipolar, too. I shuddered, remembering how she burst into tears. I hadn’t been expecting that… and I certainly hope it doesn’t happen again.  I sighed, heading back to the room. I needed some sleep to think about this….

(Yay few hour time lapse!!!)

Next thing I remember, I’m pulled out of my dream by someone shaking my shoulder. I open one eye slightly to see Kamra kneeling by the bed, looking… innocent, and terrified. That look in her eyes made her look like a three year old girl who just watched Nightmare on Elm Street. Her voice trembled when she spoke

“U-um P-Patch? C-can I maybe…c-can I maybe sleepwithyoutonight?” She sounded small, and the words slightly ran together, making it hard to understand.

“Huh? What do you want?” I asked, opening my other eye and propping myself up on my elbows.

“Can I…sleep with you tonight? That m-mans face…it keeps appearing w-whenever I close my eyes, and w-well…I can’t sleep. All that b-blood…”

“And crawling in bed with me will help that?” I slept my bangs to the side, getting a better view of her face. Her eyes narrowed.

“Listen, I just need to be close to someone. Unfortunately, you’re the only candidate, since I’m not gonna go cozy up with the night desk clerk.”

“Very well.  Just get in quick, the air is cold.” I sighed and lay back down on my side, defeated.  She scurried under the covers, curling up next to me. I gasped and pulled back as the icy skin on her back hit my chest. Then I realized why: she was only wearing a bra and underwear. I groaned and propped myself up again. “Why in the name of Dave, do you not have clothes on?”

“I can’t sleep in jeans…”

            “What about a tank top?” I asked, slightly bewildered.

            “I got hot, I guess… She looked at me innocently

“Fine. Whatever. Just…Go to Sleep.” I mumbled, rolling over to face the other direction.

We were jolted awake by the sound of police sirens outside the window. I shoved her out of bed-damn, that girl is a heavy sleeper. She hit the ground with a thump, then sprung up and tried to punch me.

“What the hell was that for??” She snarled, getting ready to pounce again.

“Do you not hear the police sirens, dumbass?” Her eyes widened, and then her face got red as she realized she was still only in her bra and underwear.

“Don’t look at me, you pervert!” She shrieked. ‘Don’t flatter yourself’ I thought, but I turned around anyway.

“Besides, what’s the difference between you sleeping in the same bed as me in only a bra and underwear, versus me seeing you?”

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