The Birth of a Mistake..

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February 6, 2002

The day I was born, honestly I don't remember what hospital or what room..not even the time I was matter the case let's continue..

The day I was brought into the world, the day the mistake was introduced..

That whole day was supposedly of a miracle..because I was born..I beg to differ as you already know..but the most reason it was a miracle was because me,  myself..was a pre me..I was born early, maybe a few weeks early but the thing was since I was so undeveloped, I was gonna die due to premature birth..the only thing I know was something about my heart not being fully developed..which I guess explains my emotionless ways in some cases you'll hear later..but back to the tale at hand, I was due to die that Day..sad I guess to them but little did they know I would survive..I proved those doctors wrong,  I will survive! Anyways let's continue..a few months later prior to my birth, I ended up in the hospital again..I was born with asthma which wasn't a good thing later on in life, which you will hear I promise..but again I continually get off subject, don't you just hate me now?..fine I'll get on topic..the doctors once again said I was due to die from the critical condition I was in..since I was a baby, with asthma, I was extremely weak..sadly for them..they were once again wrong..I mean if they were right I wouldn't be here now would I? I'm not Casper the friendly ghost just yet...let's just skip a few months in again and I so happen to end up in the hospital ..once again..still due to asthma..they were definitely sure I wasn't gonna make it..they were sure of sure that they didn't see how stupid it was to think I'd leave so early..I'm not leaving just yet..340 words ..I know this probably won't get any views or votes or whatever it is on here..but if anyone wants me to continue..let me know by telling me or commenting or whatever.. signing off...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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