Problems, Problems, Problems

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-John's POV-

I stay in the hotel room, doin' nothing. I just sat here until Paul came back.

"What append' to you?" I asked the annoyed looking Paul.

"Fans! The bloody fans ruined my date with Jane!" He shouted, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Okay tell me what append' then" I say, as Paul collapses on the sofa.

"I was on my date with Jane, when some really annoying fan pushed her out the way to get me. Just so I would sign their bloody records! So I did, and when I looked up, she was gone!" Paul sighed, obviously frustrated.

"Oh." was all I could say.

"What append' 5to you then? Did you tell er'?" Paul asked.

"No, I didn't get the chance, cos' of some bloody annoying and crazy may I add, fan kissed me and I couldn't pull away, cos' she was stronger than me. And when I finally broke free, Cynthia was gone!" I say as I put my face in my hands.

-Cynthia's POV-

What am I going to do? Maureen is forcing me to go to another Beatles concert tomorrow night, just so she can see Ringo! And then I'll have to see John... I still get those annoying butterfly's in my stomach every time I think of him. His smile, his lips, his everything! Oh God his lips. Oh how I want to kiss them right now. His beautiful eyes, his auburn hair, I just want to run my hands through it.

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