You're Not Sorry

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An affair, that was all Sasuke was to him. At least it was starting to feel that way since he always ran back to her whenever she called. The dark haired man looked at his lover, knowing that the peace wouldn't last. Soon enough she'd call because she always called. He knew that once it was all said and done, he would be sleeping alone while Naruto would return to his home and to his girlfriend.

For some odd reason Sasuke held onto the hope that in the other man would pick him. His mind kept replaying all of the things Naruto told him, which was probably the only reason he continued to be in the situation. Naruto always told him that he loved him and that one day he'd leave Sakura, but that day never seemed to come.

At times he wanted to tell the blond to stay. He wanted to tell him that he needed to keep he promise that he made when the whole thing started, he needed to break up with Sakura and be solely with him. He knew it was just wishful thinking though. After a month of Naruto not keeping his promise, Sasuke knew that he never was going to. It had been half a year since their affair started and as the days went on, Sasuke started thinking more about how he didn't want to be the other person. Normally he would tell the person to take a hike if they didn't want to be with just him. However, there was something about Naruto, he did something to Sasuke that no one else could do. The blond broke down all of the walls he had built to protect himself. Naruto somehow got to see the vulnerable side to Sasuke, the side that showed that he didn't really want to be alone.

As the dark haired continued to look at his lover, he thought more and more about how he wished they'd just stayed friends. He wished that they weren't lying to everyone. He wished that he were just able to look at Naruto and feel nothing but friendship. But most of all he wished that the feelings he had for the blond would just go away. It was all just wishful thinking, he knew that he couldn't change the way he felt or the things that they had done.

The pale man frowned as he heard Naruto's phone go off. He hoped that, just once, Naruto would ignore it and stay with him. He ended up just watching as Naruto picked up the phone and said, "Hey baby." It was then that he knew it was definitely Sakura, Naruto's girlfriend. "Sorry, I didn't realize how late it was getting. I'm at Sasuke's place, we were just hanging out. I'll be home soon," he said, obviously responding to Sakura's questions. "I love you too babe," he ended the conversation, making Sasuke's heart sink.

Sasuke knew that a person couldn't truly be in love with two people. The fact of the matter was that if he loved her then he couldn't truly love him. One of them was just a side fling and Sasuke had the aching feeling that it was himself, not Sakura. He knew that if it were him Naruto would have dumped her months ago.

"Sorry I have to go so soon," Naruto said as he gave Sasuke a quick kiss. "You know how she is," he smiled as he started to put his clothes back on. "I'll see you tomorrow though," he continued as he found his shirt, which had been carelessly tossed across the room. "I love you," he quickly added as he walked out of the door. It pained Sasuke to watch the man go and he knew that whatever it was that they had needed to end.

Sasuke wanted to tell him that he was lying. He wanted to say that Naruto didn't love him. If the blond truly loved him then he wouldn't need Sakura. If Naruto truly loved him then he wouldn't just be Naruto's little fuck toy. And most of all if Naruto truly loved him then he would be flaunting him and not keeping him a secret. Though he loved the blond, he didn't say it back. He couldn't say it back when he knew that Naruto's words were all a lie. Naruto said a lot of things; Sasuke just wished that all of his words could actually be true.

When Sasuke heard the door shut, he got up, feeling as if he needed to take a shower. Not only to wash off the mess from having sex, but also to wash away the feeling of sin. He knew what they were doing wasn't right and yet for some reason he couldn't stop.

You're Not Sorry ||NaruSasu OneShot||Where stories live. Discover now