Chapter 3: Sleep Deprived

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  "Clary!" Simons voice echoed, as Clarry ran towards Times Square, "Clary! Clary Fray!"

  She almost smiled at her mundane name.

  Clary Fray.

  That is what she would always be to Simon Lewis, Clary Fray... The mundane. The useless mundane.

  "Mundane." She said closing her eyes, if it weren't for the glamour, everyone would be screaming as she ran through the crowded streets, Broadway shows releasing their audiences. She had only once been to see a Broadway show, Luke had taken her to see Phantom Of The Opera when she was ten, she thought it was stupid, people singing all the time, pretending as though there wasn't a care in the world.

  She stood alone on the Subway platform, undoing her hair. She never cried, not even when she was a baby, but she was currently debating whether or not to burst into tears.

  "Clary?" A voice echoed throughout the platform, just as a tear fell from her cheek.

  She swiveled around, to find Simon, his shirt sticking to his body from sweat. It was no more then a second later she found herself cradeled in his arms, tears flowing steadily from her eyes.


  The large drapes were swung over her window, remenants of rotten food Clary only took a few bites from, scattered about the room. The occasional empty plastic cup of black coffee standing alone on either her dressing table, dresser, or nightstand. Her bed was covered in crumpled up pieces of paper, eyes and lips sometimes showing up in the doodles, they all looked the same to her.

  After Simon had insisted on walking her home, from the subway station last week, she hid out in her room, trying to get her mind off of the strange Shadowhunter. But, when she was awake he hid in the shadows, like a ghost. When she slept, he teased her with his perfect looks, and arrogance. She had attempted crying, but hadn't accomplished it since the night of the incident.

  A knock sounded on the door, she didn't even stir.

  "Clary." A gentle voice came from beyond the door, a voice she recognized all too well. The door swung open, her mother in typical shadowhunter attire, a black armored shirt, and comfy black pants, "Oh, Clarrissa."

  Clary just used her emerald eyes to reply with a "Mom."

  Clary's mom shut the door and came to sit at her bedside.

  "Oh baby, what happened to you." The voice of her mother was soothing, but she couldn't bring herself to speak, "My angel-baby." This was something her mother had called her since she was little, funny since Shadowhunters had angel blood in them, it was cute and clever, and occupied just for Clary.

  Her mother brushed her lips across her forehead, smoothing Clary's hair with a soft hand. Clary always envied how perfect her mother was, with her high cheekbones, and smooth skin. Even her dark red hair, stood out against the pale of her skin, shouting "perfect." Clary, as she grew, started to look more like her mother, her hair growing more auborn then red, her body becoming more curvy, but to her no one could look prettier then her mother.

  "Have you slept?"

  Clary shook her head.

   "Well, then, I will leave you here to rest, but until then, I brought you these, on account of Simon." She set Dracula, Chain-saw Massacre, and the first season of Barney, who Simon thought was scarrier then any demon, on her bed, "Glad to see you two are still friends, every Shadowhunter needs a mundane in their lives." She smiled, "I am going to be sleeping in the north tower," Clary's room was in the East tower, which only had one room, and it was all Clary's, "shout if you need me." And with a wink her mother was gone, leaving Clary alone, like Rapunzel locked away and all alone in her tower,

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