chapter 1

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In the semi-warm September breeze, a teen age girl by the name of Angelica Webb packed her bags in a house she just moved into. She had been waiting for this day for quite awhile now. Her first day at her new school! But not just any school, Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry. She had lived in america and had attended a magic school there but this was Hogwarts! The big kahoona! She was bubbling with excitement. Once she was packed the raced down her stairs, half way down she tripped and fell the rest of the way. She pulled out her wand thinking she could use her wand to do a simple levitation spell but then remembered that Europe had that "on magic till you are 17" law, stupid Britt's she thought. She made it to her dinning room and was greeted by her parents.
"Hey sweetheart, sleep well?" Her mom asked. Her mom Emily Webb way a short, kind 40. She had thick caramel colored hair and bright blue eyes, her freckles lined her tan skin in an attractive way.
"Yes mom I slept fine, though I couldn't stop thinking of Hogwarts!" Angelica said, plopping down at the mahogany table.
"That's nice sweetheart, I hope you like it there. The headmaster said it was the best on that side of the planet!" Mrs.Webb said with almost fake enthusiasm.
"Emily stop milking it, we both know that we have no real say in her going to Hogwarts," Angelica's father said entering the dining room, "though we do hope you like it there Ange, it is said to be a good... Eh... Wizarding school." Her father said almost afraid to say the word wizard, he was a little older than Emily and had blond hair and dark brown eyes that seemed sparkle in excitement, his pale looked worn almost like the pages of a book, never touched on the shelf, collecting dust. Angelica's parents were not like her, they didn't uphold magic abilities. Though she was different, her parents still loved her and tried to embrace the magic world. It was hard for them, to raise a different child. For years they tried to ignore it but in the end they had to admit that their child is different.
As they sat at the table reading the newspaper and eating cereal, they enjoyed the last few hours of being together till the holidays.
After a few hours they had driven to the train station platform 9 3/4. Angelica had all her things ready on her cart, she was nerves. These crazy Britt's want me to run in to a flipping brick wall!!! She couldn't shake the feeling that they were trying to kill her, but it could be that she was American.
"Good bye mom and dad I will miss you so much!" Angelica said embraceing her parents.
"I'll miss you too! Be careful, remember your books and right to me every week. And I mean it Every. Week." Mrs. Webb said squeezing her child tight. "I'll miss you sweety," Mr. Webb said, trying to keep a strong face. "I'll miss you to daddy." They hugged each other tightly. As they hugged a loud whistle rang in the air.
"Okay I got to go now bye!" Angelica said as she rushed tords the brick platform, the sound of her parents voices rang softly in her ears, as she ran into the wall and as she appeared on the other side she saw a bright flash of light. As she appered on the other side she saw a rush people, animals and luggage. She walked around in awe, unaware of her surroundings, she walked around looking at the detail on the tra-.
She crashed in to a person! First day and I'm already skewing up.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Angelica said trying to fix the two fallen carts.
"Yeah don't worry I'm fine, Ade you okay?" A slim girl with light brown hair in a high ponytail asked. Her eyes looked like two murcky blue lakes, she helped picked up their books. "I'm so sorry I'm so clumsy, its just this place is so beautiful." Angelical said.
"Oy you are American! Wow I've never met a american wizard before." The stranger said in amazement,"The name is Samantha, Samantha Riddon. But you can call me Sam." She said with a wide toothy smile, she let out her hand for a hand shake.
"Angelica Webb, nice to meet you." She said, shaking Sam's hand.
They climbed into the train and looked for an empty cart to stay in, they finally found one and sat down.
"So Hogwarts, what is it like?" Angelica said while putting her luggage in the luggage carrier on the top of seats.
"Well it's quite large, and you always get lost, well at least I do," Sam said chuckling."but its tons of fun. The dinning hall is huge and there are tons of owls everywhere, do you have owls in America?" Sam said in an excited tone. "Yes we do, actually when I was living in Oregon, my family and I had a barn owl living in our attic. It was the most annoying thing ever!" Angelica said with a laugh." It would hoot at all ours of the night, but when it did finally leave I missed it." She said smiling at the memory.
"Or-e-gone?" Sam said tilting her head a little, like a puppy, "where is that?".
"Oh its a juggle state in the US. My parents are sorta muggles" she said a matter of factly.
"Oh." Sam said in surprise, "well you better not tell anyone, people usually don't take kindly to half-bloods." Weird thought Angelica, in America most people liked muggle born. As she thought this a tall guy barged into the cart.
"Sam!" He yelled. He was average height with pale while skin and bright blue eyes, his dark brown hair was jelled to look like a wave and freckle dotted the bridge of his nose.
"Harrison! How have you been?" Sam said getting up and hugging the guy.
"Been good, just bought a new muggle book series! I think its about food. Its called the Hunger games." Angelica chucked in her seat, knowing full well that the book was most definitely not about food. Harrison turned, "and who might this be?" He asked leaning against the canpartment door.
"Angelica Webb, its nice to meet you." She said with a grin.
"An American! Wow don't get alot of those around here, Harrison Golish is the name." He said shaking her hand. He sat down and Sam and him continued to talk about each others summer vacation. Angelica looked out the carnpartment window and watched as the leaves fell around them, she smiled a bit. Thinking about the new life that awaits at Hogwarts.
When the train came to a stop the three climbed out and headed tords the boats. After a short ride the team reached the front door of the legendary Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Angeica looked the doors up and down, taking in the magnificent cite. "Finally". She murmured to her self as hundreds of student pushed their way forward. At this moment Angelica realized that her life would never be the same.
So how do you like it? Please comment and like, tell me if ypu hate it or love it I don't care. And btw just incase you think I own Hogwarts or any other character, you are wrong. Usually I wouldn't put that in there but I would prefer NOT to get sued 😊
Love y'all -A

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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