Chapter 1

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Before you start reading , I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for choosing to read my story, it really makes me happy. This is my first story so if it's not that great yet, bare with me, I'm still getting used to this ;) Thanks again for reading. Enjoy.
The vibration of my phone located on my counter woke me up. Damn it , why did I set it so early? Oh. Ohhhh . Oh my gosh. Today. It was today. I threw my covers off and felt the cold air hit my body , making me shiver. Ugh, I hoped it wasn't an ugly day in San Francisco again. Since I had moved here , a few months ago, I must of seen the sun two or three times total . I opened the window of my bedroom and luck was on my side, for once, since the sun was high up in the clear blue sky, shining on the city and making the Golden Gate Bride sparkle. Although the weather wasn't always the best here , it sure was a beautiful city.

I started getting ready , moving slowly since I was still quite tired. The reason I set my clock at 6.00 a.m. was because I was hoping to 'casually ' bump in to my favorite band 5 seconds of summer, before going to their concert tonight. I had been a fan for three years now and I had never seen them in concert. My closest friends and family would call me obsessed every time I 'd talk to them about 5sos . The only one who would listen to my rambling about the band I loved so much was my cousin Sabrina. She was 16, two years younger than me, and she also liked 5sos . But she wasn't as obsessed over them like I was. At least she wasn't as obsessed as me over Calum Hood. He was my favorite in the band and I knew everything about him. And when I say everything I mean every single little thing.

After my quick shower I focused on getting dressed. I wanted to wear something casual but not too much . You know , just wanted to impress my boys in case I so very casually saw them in the city today, but I couldn't look like I was trying too hard or it'd be weird. Can't weird 'em out day 1 , am I right? Although I was a pretty clumsy person and knowing me I'd probably fall down the sidewalk if I saw them. I'm dead serious that would actually happen.

I ended up wearing skinny black jeans , a white tank top, a flannel and my beloved black dr.martens. Once I was finally done I walked out of my house , got in my car and drove my way to the center of the city. By the time I found parking , half an hour had already past. I started walking around shops and up and down random streets , being careful in case I heard a bunch of girls screaming.

Two hours had already past and i saw nothing. I even checked my phone in case one of the many 5sos update pages had posted something about the boys, but it seemed like all the 5sos fam was dead . No one had any news.

I sighed and decided to set myself for a coffee in a nearby Starbucks. I started texting my cousin to see if she was awake and at what we should be meeting before the concert,just to pass some time.

After my small pause I continued searching for a few more hours, until two p.m. It must of been my unlucky morning because I ended up walking around for hours with my phone in my hands waiting for news, looking like a crazy lost tourist searching for someone.

Finally I returned to my car and drove my way down to where the concert was going to be. I started getting sad cause I really hoped I would of met at least one of the boys. Even if it weren't Calum.
The sound of a text interrupted me from my thoughts . I quickly checked my phone, seeing it was from Sabrina.

From Sabtheawesomest:
"Any luck in seeing the babes, gurl?"

I smiled slightly and replied with a quick message saying I hadn't seen them.

From Sabtheawesomest:
"Ah, darn that really sucks. Oh well, it's their lost if they didn't get to see you and your cute little azz"

I laughed at her text and just decided on not replying yet so I could concentrate on driving to the venue.
I had the worst seatings since I couldn't afford anything too expensive. But hey, it was worth it, I mean I was gonna see 5sos!
Happiness filled my body again and I blasted some of my favorite songs, getting pumped up for the magical night that was awaiting me.

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