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War. A war of flames and fangs. A war of scales and poison. A war between the Phoenix and the Serpentine. All the Phoenix, young and old, were there. "For Aseroth!!!" they shouted, and all hell broke loose. The Phoenix transformed into giant birds of fire, and the Serpentine turned into giant snakes of different color. Hudson, the King of the Phoenix, soared through the sky, searing and clawing his foes as he went. Then his eyes found the person he was looking for, the person who ruined his life and killed his family: Justin , his twin.

"You!!!", Hudson hissed as he landed on his twin. "You took everything away from me!!" Justin went straight for his sword, but Hudson bit of his arm. "Aaaaaa!" cried Justin, hurling a string of curses into the air. "Please.... brother... please spare me", Justin pleaded, "Please.... Spare me this.... time."
"I will spare you now, brother, but you will live in exile for the rest of your days. ", Hudson growled." Yes brother... Thank you", he said in deep breaths, while reaching for his knife. "You are really HONORABLE!!" Justin shouted the last word as he attacked. Hudson was able to dodge a blow to the chest, but was wounded on his wing. "SCREEEEECH!!" Hudson's cry was heard across the field. "Kill him now!!" Justin screamed. But by the time they got to him, he had already taken off. Phoenix watched their leader flee as they died on the fields. "For Aseroth...."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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