Finding them

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Hayden POV
   ERIKA PAIGE GET UP NOW!!!!!  I yelled at my daughter, she's 3 years old, so she comes walking down the stairs still half way asleep and I said " Paige come on and eat breakfast", I graduated early so I don't go to school,  she comes running and gets in her chair and starts eating her eggs and ask if I could put Sofia the first on and I did that.

All about Hayden

" hi I'm Hayden smith I got pregnant when I was fifteen I know your thinking slut yea well I was at a party and drinking luckily I only did it with my boyfriend Paige's father well ex boyfriend I told him that I was pregnant and he seemed more excited than me and he went and told his mom and dad and they were furious so they started calling me all these names and he defended me then his parents got more mad and moved him to Washington and I haven't seen him since then they changed his number and everything his name was jarred and I call Paige by her middle name and when she gets in trouble or won't listen I add her first name in and yeah enough about that I have blue eyes and dark brown hair my friends always tell me I look like Nash and Hayes Grier I kinda see it but I'm not realated  to them in any way I moved out of my house when I was sixteen so last year after I graduated and I work at a clothing store and I'm the manager so I make good money and I love my life and I have great parents"

Hahaha back to my story

Paige got done eating and went on the couch and with her blanky and bunny (stuffed) and watched tv while I put away dishes then the bell rang it was Paige's friend and her mom , "oh hey Tiffany Paige is on the couch I will go change her real quick and then I will be right back" she responded " okay girl take your time I almost forgot to come lol" we both laughed and they came and sat on the couch and I took Paige up to her room and changed her into Nike shorts and a bike shirt and shoes and pulled her hair up into a bun and she ran downstairs and her and her friend ran to the car, Tiffany said " Eva has been wanting her to hangout thanks for letting her I will bring her back around three" and I responded " oh your welcome anytime and okay sounds great" and with that they left.

About 30 min later

I got into my car and texted mom saying "I'm going to the house to get some old pictures" and turned on the radio and drove to my parents house and about 20 min later I arrived and walked to the back room and went through old pictures and I found some envelopes dated around my birth me being mosey I opened them and it had a picture of a dark haired women holding two babies and there was a letter with it saying " Gilbert I found a way for us to have a kid this women just had twins and ones a boy and ones a girl I'm going to steal the girl I know it sounds crazy but we will finally have a family like we always wanted so respond back to this and I will give you the ladies information and the babies information"   I didn't know what to think could this be me, was my entire life a lie omg this is so over whelming, I took out my phone and called my best friend Rachael and she came over and bolted in the door saying what's the problem and I was crying and she looked in my hands and read all of it and said " oh Hayden in so sorry are you gonna try and find your real parents" I looked at her and stopped crying and I said " ya know that would make me feel a lot comfortable and happier if I found them and moved there" and she smiled and said "well then that's what we will do" and I found another letter that had all my information and my moms it said "Elizabeth Grier" and I looked at Rachael and she said " umm that's what the famous Nash Grier moms name is omg is he your brother" I was speechless I read on and found out what hospital and I looked it up online while Rachael found my mom on Instagram in the same town and I told her " when Paige gets here I'm getting clothes and some stuff and I'm going to this town and meeting my family" she agreed and I found one picture where her mailbox was in the background Dane I read it and I got her address and put it in my phone and I was just like shocked and everything I left everything out so my parents would k ow I found out and I drove home and just as I walked in Paige got here and I smiled and hugged her and I told Tiffany everything and she hugged me and then they left so I got a lot of clothed packed and just little games and toys for Paige since the griers live 2 hours away we would be there around 5 so I packed some snacks and put the address in and we started driving.

Nash's POV  bet ya didn't see that coming
~j was watching a movie until I heard my mom in the den she was sighing and I walked in there and she was on her computer and I said " mom what's wrong you've been on the computer for like my entire life that's all you do in the freetime what's wrong" and she said " oh Nash I guess I better tell you" I just looked at her kinda scared and she continued and said " well when you were born you weren't the only one you had a twin and her name was Hayden I only saw her for a couple days until one day a nurse came in and said we need to run some test on your daughter so I gave her to the nurse and I never saw her again the nurse took my baby girl away we had the police on it and everything they have up on trying to find her but I didn't that's why I've been on the computer so much I'm trying to find her" I was so shocked I have a twin sister all I did was hug my mom and she started crying then we heard sniffles in the back and I looked and saw Hayes and he said " I heard everything mom I'm so sorry" we all just hugged then mom made dinner and we just watched tv while mom did dishes then we heard a car pull up and the doorbell I told Hayes to go get it then I heard him talking.

Hayden POV again

We pulled up to the house and I was so scared and I unbuckled Paige and got her out and I told her to stay behind me and I rand the doorbell and I boy that was a little shorter than me opened and he said " umm hi what do you need" and I said " is um is Elizabeth Grier here" and then a boy about as tall as me  and the same colored eyes and hair came up and said "yes, MOM SOME GIRL IS HERE TO TALK TO YOU" he shouted at his mom then she came I had the picture in my hand and she came in full view, she looked just like the lady in the picture, her sons stayed at the door, she said " yes I'm Elizabeth what do you need one of these boys didn't do anything did they" and she gave like a look to them and I responded with w little laugh and said "
Oh no I'm here because I think your my real mother" she just stood there unable to speak and the older boy spoke and said " umm come on please while he took his mom to the table I grabbed Paige and the younger not asked " is that your daughter?" I just said yes and then he directed me to the table and I sat with Paige on my lap and she was holding the picture   And Elizabeth spoke and asked " well how old are you, what's your name, how did you find us, and um is this your daughter?" I responded saying " well I'm seventeen, my name is Hayden Olivia smith but the last name might change and well I found you through some old letters and one had this picture in it with your information, I showed her the picture, and well yes this is my daughter she's three and her name is Paige and I got pregnant with her at a party with my boyfriend well ex  ." She just said " oh um you can stay here tonight and tomorrow we can go to the doctors so get a test to make sure and ummm im sorry to ask but why is she so dark? She laughed a little when she said that" I just laughed and said " well  I was really really dark when I had her and her father is mixed and she looks more like him that's why she is dark and has curly hair" all of them just said like oh's and cools and stuff like that" and with hours of talking and explaining and everything we all went to bed she showed me where my room was supposed to be it was now the guest bedroom and she said that if I am her daughter she wants me and Paige to move in and live here with them and o agreed and then we all went to sleep.

~well imagine if you lived this life wow but hope you like the first chapter next chapter I will show a picture of jarred (Paige's dad) at the top!!!! Have an awesome day/night lovelies❤️🌺

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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