An Expected Engagement

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"Aren't you ready, yet?" Rachel called through the bathroom door. She looked at her watch for the tenth time since she'd arrived and tapped her foot impatiently. "Give me five more minutes," Mike called back. Then, she heard him curse out loud. "Better make it ten," he said through gritted teeth. She assumed the curse was because he'd once again cut himself shaving and not directed towards her.

She took one more look in the mirror on his dresser. For the first time in her life, she was having a good hair day and she was eager to show it off. Drew's New Year's party had started nearly twenty-minutes ago, and she was still waiting for Mike to get ready. She'd shown up just over an hour ago to pick him up, knowing full well he wouldn't be ready when she got there; he never was. She often joked that he was the female in their relationship since she could be ready in ten minutes, and it always took him forever.

The bathroom door opened and Mike stepped out wearing toilet paper on his chin and a towel. She shot him a disapproving look and walked into the living room, slamming the bedroom door behind her. He thought about telling her to calm down, that they still had three hours before mid-night, but he knew it would be best to just keep his mouth shut. He'd finally learned after three years of dating that it was best not to argue or try to reason with Rachel when she was this angry.

He pulled his shirt off the hanger and put it on. "Five minutes, and I'll be ready," he hollered out to her. "Whatever," she responded back. He ignored the hatred in her voice and pulled his slacks on. Then, he checked the pocket to make sure the small, blue velvet box was still inside. He patted his pocket and smiled. "Tonight's the night," he whispered to himself.

After the first year of their relationship, marriage kept popping up into their conversations. Early on, Rachel let him know that she felt an engagement ring as a birthday or Christmas gift was tacky and Valentine's day was too cliché. It was only a few months ago that he realized the strike of midnight on New Year's eve would be perfect. He just hadn't planned on being so late and making her mad so early in the evening.

"It's been five minutes!" Rachel yelled from the other room. Mike shook himself back into the present time and checked himself in the mirror. His reflection reminded him of the toilet paper stuck to his chin, which he quickly pulled off. "I'm coming!" he yelled back, using his hand to brush down his hair. Grabbing his jacket off the bed, he pulled the bedroom door open, and did his best GQ pose. Rachel just glared at him, her usual bright eyes now very dark.

"You look beautiful tonight," he said. A compliment usually lightened her mood, and he hoped it would work now.

Her glare softened and she smiled at him. "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself."

She grabbed her purse and keys, and headed for the door. Mike pulled the door open and held it for her. Gracefully, she walked across the wooden floor in her short heels and playfully slapped his butt as she exited the house.

It was a relatively warm evening considering it was the last day of December. The Christmas weather had been mildly warm and snow still was not in the local forecast. The bare trees swayed softly in the gentle breeze, and the clear sky revealed the starry night.

"Tonight is going to be perfect," Mike thought. He opened the driver's side door for Rachel, and closed it as soon as she was seated. He then walked around to his side of the car, took a deep breath and smiled. When they clock struck midnight, they would officially be engaged. He smiled to himself before taking his seat in the car.

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