The Shut-in learns about combat

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 Kiseki pov

It's been a while since I've arrived in Cyberion but I still have problems with the world social status system. Yesterday, me and the gang  (Shiori and some of the guys in shadow den) ,went out shopping. and I accidentally bumped on this guy with some shiny clothes . As I turned back to apologize, that dude just started barking about how low my social status is and how dare I bumped into him....... blah blah blah.

I'm about to punch this guy but Shiori seems to read my mind. So what did she do? she grabbed me by the collar and gave the guy a big bow plus some brown nosing words until that guy is satisfied.

*sigh* why do I have to go through this shit. I'm just an ordinary neet........

Just then someone shouted me a thunderous voice , " OI, KISEKI GET YER LAZY BUTT MOVIN! SHIORI ASKED ME TO TRAIN YOU ABOUT COMBAT!!"

When I looked it was Shiori's big brother Kuro. When I go to him he whispered me with a low but spooky tone, "I'm gonna show you the meaning of hell" and grinned.

*Brrrrr* a chill went down my spine. This guy is really a bad news.

Just than "Ah, oni chan going for training huh?" Shiori asked with a  smile.

"Ahhhh ,yeah don't worry Kiseki and i are gonna be just fine "

Is it just me or the flower petals flying around him are real?

Just than Kuro gave me a very choking headlock and asked me with a sinister grin "Riggghhhhttttt? Kiskei?"

"Abalabooo *cough* bu bla gah" I tried to protest but only gibberish came out of my mouth.

"See? he's too eager that he can't even speak clearly!"

Hah right... theres no way Shiori could believe such plain lie....

"your right oni chan !"


And so I was dragged by Kuro into the hellish training.

"Ok , so first I'll tell your inner elements. There are many elements in this world but there are seven main element; fire, water, earth, air , wood, light or holy and dark or demon"

"Ah! so that means my element is one of the most powerful one!" I said with
a proud voice."

"well...... no." Kuro replied. "Your element may be main but its not the strongest. There are also sub elements which are made by the combinations of these main elements. Therefore sub element users can use both elements which forms their sub elements."

Gah and I thought i was the main character with powerful element.....

"But  that doesn't  mean they are stronger," Kuro continued, "our powers require something called the physical/ mental awakening to start using . Just as it says it triggers our element only when we meet a certain physical/mental conditions. When we met the awakening condition and triggered the power, the awakening condition changed into amplifier  which makes  your stronger. In other word the more powerful your mental or physical condition, the stronger your element"

My eyes are shining with curiosity. "So can you teach me?"

"Nope you have to find it your self!"


"What I'm gonna teach you is about is physical combat.So first I'll teach ya some jabs"

and so, as Kuro coaches me I have to throw punches from morning to evening...

After the training

"Man I think my shoulders are making strange creaky sonunds " I moaned as i make my way into the town . There I saw a great mension as high a castle. On the fence it reads "Von Drake mansion."

Isn't it the name of the guy who captured Shiori's dad? Anyways I went into the alley because its the nearest route to the park. Just than i sensed a slight vibration under my feet and its getting more intense. just than i saw a person in white cloak passing through me.

"He looks like that guy from Assassin Greed games."I thought. When I turned around, Something huge made me run at a foot-blazing high speed.

A crowd of guards are aftering that assassin looking guy are behind me.

So you may ask why am I running? I am not the one they want! Well good question. And the good answer is that if  don't run will be sandwiched between their feet and the road.



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