Chapter 3

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  Callie immediately sat up and grew a worried look," What is it", Callie said with fear in her voice. Brandon whispered," we can't talk in here." Brandon then took Callie's hand and took her to his room and shut the door behind him. He stopped Callie and placed her in front of him. " I think moms are starting to get suspicious of us",Brandon said with worry. Callie instantly felt a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and said," What, why would you think that?" "Because I herd them arguing about whether or not they should trust us alone." Callie instantly stepped back and started to worry," What if they find out that we are... well whatever we are", Callie was afraid that if she said dating then Brandon would deny it. Brandon grabbed her hand witch was a bit damp from sweat and said to her," Callie, what are we?" Callie could hear he heart pounding out of her chest, Brandon always knew what to do to make her feel like she was the only person in the world to him. She asked nervously," Are we dating?" Brandon grabbed her head with full focus on her. He couldn't get out of his mind how beautiful he thought she was. " Do you want to", he asked looking into her chocolate brown eyes and her staring into his beautiful hazel eyes. As she almost melted in his hands she looked down and nodded her head yes. As Brandon was about to say something Callie lunged herself towards his pink lips. The minute he felt her passionate lips kiss his he closed his eyes and kissed her back. As Callie was about to kiss him again he stopped," Hold on one second." Callie stood there uncomfortably as she watched Brandon lock the door. " Why'd you lock the door", Callie asked confused. Brandon didn't utter one word he just walked over to Callie and put his hands on her waist and pulled her towards him. He leaned in and started kissing her and she was kissing him back. As his wet gentle tongue entered Callie's mouth he gently placed her against the wall. He first took off her shirt then she took off his and without breaking the kiss they walked over to his bed. As Brandon got on top of her they rolled over and then Callie was on top of Brandon. Before they knew it morning came and Brandon woke up to Callie sleeping next to him with just a sheet over the two of them. He leaned over and gave her a nice gentle kiss on her lips and she peacefully woke up. When she realized that it wasn't a dream about last night she smiled at him and leaned over and kissed him back. Then Callie heard Mariana wake up and go down stairs. She heard her asking where her and Brandon were. Callie laid in bed eavesdropping on what they were saying. "Hey moms where is Callie and Brandon", Mariana asked out of concern for Callie. Lena looked at Stef and then at Mariana and said," Wasn't she in your guy's room because she hasn't come down for breakfast." Stef thought for a moment and said," You don't think that they...", Stef couldn't even finish that sentence because the mere thought of Brandon and Callie sleeping together was to horrible. Brandon looked over at Callie and was wondering what she was focussing so much on," What is wrong Callie?" Callie didn't hear Brandon speak she was to focussed on what was going on downstairs."Callie", Brandon yelled to get her attention. Callie quickly snapped out of her focus and said," sorry what did you say?" Brandon looked at Callie and repeated," I said what's wrong?" Callie quickly snapped back to reality and told Brandon," I heard Mariana and moms worrying about where we are." Hearing that Brandon too snapped back to reality and said," Maybe we should get up." Callie looked down and then stood up an threw her pajamas back on and Brandon threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt. Callie quickly unlocked the door and sat by Brandon's key board. Brandon then heard his mom Stef storming up stairs and then burst into his room like she was about to walk in on them doing something. Stef looked at Callie with suspicion and said," Callie what in the world are you doing in Brandon's room?" Callie looked at Brandon and then at her and lied," Well last night I overheard Brandon playing his key board and so I came in to play with him, but later on I accidentally fell asleep in his chair."Stef believed the lie and just said," Okay well you two come down for breakfast, it may be Saturday but I will not allow you guys to sleep in." Callie and Brandon stood up and walked out of the room with Brandon I front of Callie. " There you are", Mariana said to Callie with worry and happiness. As Callie sat next to Brandon they secretly held each other's hands as they ate. The next day Lena was at a teachers workshop thing, Mariana was over at Matt's house, Stef was at work, Jesus was at Emma's, and Jude was at Taylor's. The house would be empty except for Brandon and Callie at least till about 9 at night. Callie sat next to Brandon and they watched a movie. In the middle of the movie Brandon wrapped his arm around Callie and held her close. When the movie ended silence broke thought the room. Then tho break the silence Brandon said to Callie," Hey what time is is?" Callie looked over to her phone and it read 8:30pm and as she told him silence broke out again. Brandon got bored of the silence so he turned his head and out of no were gave a peck-like kiss on her mouth. After processing what just happened she turned his head around and kissed his still lips. For about 30 seconds they made out until they heard a door open and saw a person looking at the two of them in disbelief. Callie couldn't believe they got caught she stood up and said,"Wait...

To be continued...

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