Chapter Six: Zaethiel

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//Author Comment

APOLOGIES FOR THE LATE CHAPTER. Hi guys, guess who's finally back! :D Now that both Crivaex and I are home, hopefully we can resume our intended regular schedule. Thank you so much for your patience and support!! (Also, sorry for getting this chapter out so late at night (early in the morning? idk What do you guys count 12:07am as?)

And thank you @PayMeInPuppies for becoming Fester's beta reader. *throws confetti*

As always, please vote/comment/add this story if you liked it, and please support us for #Wattys2016!

Until next time,

West :D

Hey there, it's Crivaex. Once again, many, many apologies for the late chapter. Blah blah blah, repeat everything West has said, blah blah blah. But seriously, thank you for your patience and support. And yes, my friend (@PayMeInPuppies) has graced us with his grammatical skills and is now our beta reader (thank you so much oh my god).

See you all next time.


Zaethiel scoots backwards on the bed, and tries to smile charmingly behind the pack of frozen beef he's holding to his eye. Astoerin sits by his side with a stiff spine and interlaced fingers. The three Knights are on the other bed, facing them. It's been mostly silent for the past five minutes, save for Zaethiel's quiet curses and the crackling of ice as he changes makeshift ice packs (he's already gone through three, and the barkeep has complained that they'll run out of frozen rations at this point). A cautious glance at the other side earns him a wave and a bright smile from the dark skinned boy, and Zaethiel attempts to grin back, trying to exude that friendly glow of his. It's difficult to do so with a swollen cheek.

Astoerin breaks the awkward silence.

"I've just realized that we didn't catch your names, sorry about that."

The girl shakes her head dismissively, sliding further down the wall so most of her lies on the bed.

"No, it's fine. After all, there were more, uh, pressing matters at the time." All eyes turn to Zaethiel, and he suddenly wishes the frozen beef was large enough to cover his entire face. He settles for using the frozen peas, previously against his right leg, to cover his other eye. Nonplussed, the blonde continued talking.

"My name is Rozdiel, and these two are—"

The dark skinned boy cuts in quickly, "I'm Eo. Full name's Eochair, but nobody calls me that."

Rozdiel continues smoothly. "Yes, and this is Yoriq."

"Also known as Yo-Yo," Eochair pipes up helpfully. Yoriq dips his head in response.

"Pleasure to meet you all," Zaethiel says, smiling at Rozdiel. "I'm Zaethiel."

"We already know who you two are," Rozdiel replies mildly.

"Hah," Astoerin says so quietly that nobody seems to have heard him. Zaethiel whips his head around, and is met with a blank look and raised eyebrow. He huffs.

"Weren't there two more people travelling with your group?" Zaethiel asks.

"They're still probably downstairs," Eochair says. He shifts to partially face Yoriq. "I'll bet ten coppers that Stri is passed out somewhere and Ar is trying to drink himself into oblivion."

Yoriq blanches. "Please don't have the wrong impression of us," he says helplessly to Zaethiel and Astoerin.

"You know it's true," Eochair laughs. "You should probably go fetch them. We need to outline the journey later tonight." The taller boy grumbles, but acquiesces, leaving the room without another word. The quiet click of the door closing marks another period of silence.

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