Chapter 1: The World We Live In

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This world is broken. This world filled with despair. It started off by just a small group, and now the whole town maybe even the whole world has gone insane. Some adults and children are being controlled by the Monokuma head devices, the rest, are either being tortured, killed or brainwashed into followers.

Me on the other hand, is in hiding. In the slums of Japan. I know others who have escaped and is on the, from the 13 Remedies of Despair. Junko's main group of evil. After her death, they came out one by one spreading fear into the hearts of humanity. If i try to stop them...or try to kill them, maybe we can live in peace once again...

I'm not as brave as you may think, in fact, I'm terrified. It's this person inside me, inside that is itching for bloodshed, for danger, for revenge. I never seen her before. But every time i look in the mirror, i can see her eyes, burning holes into me.

Normal POV

As another robot passed along with a few mind slaves tailing behind, Myuushi ties four sticks of dynamite to the base of her arrow. She cuts the strings short to the fuse and lights them. Aiming for the back of it's head, she fires. Covering her ears as it blows, fizzling it's circuits. Tieing her hair up. She runs out charging at the confused mind slaves, knocking them out with a few punches to the abdomen and chest.

Breaking open the head device and tearing the wires, it combusts open, releasing the people from control. Several attempts of this lead to success or failure. "I'm running out of explosives...i need to go see Takui..". Standing she takes one of the head devices and puts it in her bag. Turning her head she heard stomping in sync with each other walking towards her direction. She hides into the alley making her way to the subways deep into town.

With the subway doors being locked, you need to know the password to get access inside. Knocking on the door, a deep voice answers "State your name and the access code", "Myu ; 3604...". The doors unlock and open slightly and she steps inside. Down in the subway, the surviving adults and children stay for safety. This was the same for the adults when all children were controlled to destroy all mankind of adults for a perfect world. Now that they gotten along, surviving for a purpose wasn't an issue. Only a few volunteered to go out and sacrifice their lives to protect their hope, Myuushi is one of those few.

Myu's POV

"I need to speak to Takui, i need more explosives" i asks one of the adults. He leads me into the control room. "Welcome back, You need something?", Takui was leaning back into his chair surrounded by things people have traded for usable items. I pulls out the head device and the people in the room grunt. "Is that from one of those mind slaves? What if it explodes?!". Takui shakes his head "if it did, we wouldn't be talking to our valuable customer. So, what's the price?", he gleams into my eyes with a serious expression."I need more explosives, i just ran out after destroying on if those robots." , he smiles and leans back in his chair"of course....if i i wasn't out of explosives, that is ".

I was shocked and slammed my hands on the table without thinking ,"Out?! But you never run out of things, you always have what we need! You're The Ultimate Barter!!"my shouting got everyone except Takui on edge. He put his feet on the desk and crossed them "And i live up to my title, but the one in charge of weapons and such hasn't come back...if you need 'em, go get them for us". I grunt at his request, it's bad enough I'm putting my life on the line, but i have to get ammunition as well? I take a deep breath and sigh "ok, tell me where i can find it?"Takui smiled "go to the abandoned construction factory, they have a ton loads of them... ", as i walk out i hear "and try not to die out there cupcake. I'll miss your sweet face.". I blush and continued walking.

East of downtown Towa city

The construction factory was on the other side of town, i needed a short cut. I stop to think when i hear "Well now, i guess hope is truly on my side. Looks like i found you, Ranshaku...". Komaeda, the least favorite person i wanted to run into. I quickly grab my bow and arrow aiming it to his throat. " Now now, no need for that, I'm not your enemy here. Consider me as an ally". I glare at him "i am not your ally, you're one of them!!". He laughs gripping onto his shirt and his hand on his face, "Yes, it's true that someone as disgusting, weak and pathetic as me be can ever be allies with anyone. But, the thing is, you are mistaken. You and i are similar than you think"getting closer, putting the sharp tip against his neck,"I'm nothing like you, I'm my own person!!", "Are you? Or are you part of someone else? ". He smirks and puts his finger on my forehead,"there, there is
not just you, but a piece of Enoshima inside you. You may not remember, but after the first Hope's peak incident, you were specially hand picked by Junko herself to make both hope and despair. Basically, you are just a test experimental subject!! Isn't that amazing?!", in shock i lower my weapon looking at the ground. He then got closer and continued."You know, Mukuro Ikusaba, right? She and Junko are both Ultimate despair. I haven't told you the best part yet! After Mukuro's murder, she was taken apart and they use half of her brain to put into your skull!! You see?! You are part despair and part hope, just like me and the others!! You are the secret remedy everyone is looking for!"he laughs as saliva drips from his lips and shivered "no...i can't be... ", looking at my hands i fall to my knees and cry.

Normal POV

Komaeda looked down at her and smirked even wider "Those tears of despair, it makes me quiver with delight and sickens me at the same time. You are the hope that can save this world, but yet you reek of despair, all this is getting me so hot, i don't know whether to hate you or like you. You're like a two sided coin. You never know who might turn up...", being interrupted Myuu screams,"shut up, shut up!!! I'm not one of you, I'm not!"grabbing his shirt and slams him against the wall. "Is it Ranshaku that I'm seeing, or is it Ikusaba? It's hard to tell, having you both share the same body. Either way, someone as worthless as me wouldn't be able to tell you apart...". Letting him go, she picks up her weapon and starts to leave "ah, wait. There is something i wanted you to have, it may help you~", spat out in anger and disgust she turns to him "what do i possibly need from you?", Komaeda pulls out a piece of paper with a code on it, Myuu takes it in confusion "what is this?...", " the code for Future foundation, i thought you may need it in case you decide to make your mind spread either hope or despair, across this cursed world. Well bye-bye now, Miss Hope-despair " and with that said, he walks off with his hands in his pockets. Myuu looks at it after he left and then puts it in her pocket. 'I will save this town, i will bring hope!'she thinks heading to the Construction factory.


Entering the abandoned factory, Myuu noticed mind slaves walking around with bits and pieces of metal parts or wires. Hiding behind a wall, she starts to sweat 'I thought Takui said this place was abandoned! That lying bastard, when i get my hands on-...'stopping her thoughts, a beam of red lights hit her foot and the alarms go off . The mind slaves helmets beep and starts running her way, "really?! Damn it!!"getting up she runs out and tackles some out of her way. Looking around she sees a metal crow bar and grabs it. Spinning it in her hand, she runs up to them and swings the weapon against their helmets sending sparks flying. Swinging it vigorously, she damages the devices with force. "I'm sorry, but for the sake of hope. You must die!!"

"Hope? There's no such thing. Who the fuck you think you are coming into my factory, and destroying my creations,you worthless bitch? ", hearing a dark voice from behind her, the mind slaves back away ."Kazuichi...", looking at him with sad eyes, he grabs her by the throat and slams her into the nearby table. His grip tightens, blocking her air supply. He glares at her holding his power drill "Maybe if i drill into your head, can i knock that peaceful hope right out of you? Or if i take out your eyes, you will forever live blind in the depths of despair ". Gasping for air, tears weld in her eyes "Kaz....u...ichi..." she mouths out, her eyes turn bloodshot red from rage and headbutts him in the nose, punching him in the jaw, then kicked him off of her. Coughing she holds her bow in her hand pulling back her arrow.

Licking the blood off with his long tounge, his eyes widen noticing her change. "Those eyes... maybe you aren't a useless bitch after all .. This is interesting" he smirks showing his white shark like teeth stained with his blood.

"You would make a great edition to my collection ....Ikusaba"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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