Potato Man

25 3 1

A series of potatoes dressing up.

Top left hand potato (1)- hungry potato

Top, second left potato (2)- business man potato

3. Relaxing potato

4. Captain Potato (Like Captain America)

5. Neko Potato (dedicated to my friend, Jordan (Jordano). She has an account on Wattpad but I forgot her username.)

6. Potato Potato (a potato that's dressing up as a potato)

7. Gangster Potato (got the idea from reading Oresama Teacher)

8. Potato-In-Love (it's a carbon copy of Juvia Lockser)

9. SJK Potato (Song Joong Ki (the actor from Descendants of the Sun)

10. Potato family (just a normal happy family)

11. Pikachu Potato (I thought of doing one to represent anime as I had done one to represent kdrama. And if I had used someone from a anime that only anime otakus know, than non anime fans won't know who is is. So now that Pokemon GO is what everyone is talking about, I did pikachu.)

12. Sleeping Potato (Why? I love sleeping. So there should be one to represent me. 💤💤😴😴 they even had a emoji to represent me)

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