The Note That Was Left Behind

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Hey Its been a while since I've updated so heres another chapter of The Rejected Mate... So I hope you enjoy it please vote and comment Thanks. (:

Chapter 4: The Note That Was Left Behind

( A Couple Days After The Meeting At Starbuck's With Cassie)

Lightning's Pov: That morning i woke up at 4:30 a.m. to get ready for my flight to NYC. I already had my bags packed and in my car. My flight didnt take off until 5:45 the reason I woke up so early was to write my family a letter saying I was leaving and would come back in a couple years after I could find myself.

Dear the pack Dark Shadows and my family,

I Love you all veryy much i am deciding to leave and not come back for a couple years after i have found myself. Mom,Dad,and Mark I love you guys the most of all I will miss you the years I am gone but I have to find myself. I just wanted to say thank you for being there for me. The pack of Dark Shadows you all were like my second family I love you all and will misss you during the time I will be gone.Last, I wanted to say to Ty that ever since I found out you were my mate I love you and I still do even after you rejected me.


With that i was pretty much satisfied with what i had just written and i grabbed my phone and purse and left saying goodbye one last time. i headed out to my car and started driving off towards the airport.
(After She Got Off The Plane Light Is In NYC)

After my plane had landed in New York City I decided i should text Cassie letting her know I was safe.

Maria's Pov: I woke up and headed down to the kitchen to make some breakfast for everyone when I found a letter saying " To The Pack Dark Shadows&Family" I knew it was some Lightning had written it was in her handwriting. It had said " Dear the pack Dark Shadows and my family,
I Love you all veryy much i am deciding to leave and not come back for a couple years after i have found myself Mom,Dad, and Mark I love you guys the most of all I will miss you the years I am gone but I have to find myself. I just wanted to say thank you for being there for me. The pack of Dark Shadows you all were like my second family I love you all and will misss you during the time I will be gone. Last, I wanted to say to Ty that ever since i found out you were my mate I love you and I still do even after you rejected me.


This I could not believe Light knew who her mate was and didnt tell anyone. I was so upset and to make things worse it was Ty i mean hes a good kid but after I heard he rejected her I now thought otherwise. I mean why would he reject her and he was one of the reasons she left but I think was the whole reason. I didnt know I was crying til Mark had walked downstairs and asked me what was wrong and I gave him the letter. By the way his eyes had looked he was getting really angry.

Mark's Pov: How could she not tell me her and Ty were mates! Why wouldnt she tell me and now she left because of him and no one knows where she is that I know of! Ugh! With that i went upstairs to get ready for school and I was gonna comfront him about everything.
(At School)
"Heyy man whats up Mark you dont look like yourself today dude," Ty said and next thing I did was shove him against a locker holding him by the throat. "No wonder I'm not myself today because this morning I woke up to my mother crying and held a note from Light saying that she was running away because of you! You should have told me you were her mate! Why didnt you Ty? Jeez now I dont know where she is and I'm supposed to protect her from those rouges she still doesnt know about!" "What! Shes missing no no she cant." With that I let him go and went to class leaving him in shock.

Ty's Pov: I was still standing in the same place Mark had left me in. Why would she leave just because I rejected her? Because you idiot shes really hurt and now we cant protect her from those rouges and she still hasnt been in her first shift and shes supposed to be a yellowstone wolf thats why her parents named her Lightning. If those rouges get her they could kill her and its all your fault! My wolf said. I have to go find Light I cant loose her even though I had rejected er which was a big mistake I have made.
So heres a new chapter! So whats so special about yellowstone wolves? Why are Rouges gonna go after Lightning? Please Comment and Vote! Thanks(:

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