Why Fear Comes?

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Why Fear Comes?

Flourishing in God presence,

The pleasure and the sensation,

Is the most pleasant thing ever experienced,

No wonder David danced continuously in the presence of the lord,

This is just an illustration,

Of been in the presence of the father,

But it's not enough to looking on to Jesus,

The woman with the bleeding,

Was looking on to Jesus for healing,

So also was Peter,

He was looking at Jesus while walking on the sea,

Same also is a synagogue ruler named Jairus, Mark 5:21-42

Whose daughter was sick and later died,

In the presence of the Lord he seek for mercy,

To look on to Jesus,

This is the faith,

Being sure of what we hope for,

And certain of what we do not see,

But when we look away,

The fear comes,

And so we stager,

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