Chapter 5

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Tony's POV

The next morning was a fucking hassel. I woke up an 2 hours before training so I had to wake slendy first so he could help me. The other proxies were already up and dressed and so was I we had our charms on as well. When slendy was woken up we had still 2 hours to get everyone else up. First we did the slender brothers slendy got offendy I got splendor since he's easy to wake up and the others got trender. " Splendy wake up it's time for some fun!! " I whispered yelled. He woke up instantly and started getting dressed in the bathroom in his human form though. As we got the rest of the brothers to wake up they got dressed much to offendys protest I used my katana and pushed him into the bathroom more like forced him into the bathroom with some fire. It was hilarious. Anyways next were the harder people to wake which would be almost everyone. Except Sally, Smile, and Dr. Smiley. So Slendy got them and me, Toby, Masky, and Hoodie. We got everyone else so we pretty much just pushed them off their beds or if they are on the bottom bunk we'd carry em and drop them.from a top bunk height that woke everyone up pretty easily. And it also caused hit to the heads multiple time which did not.hurt one bit but I feel sorry for Masky, and Hoodie they got the impact pretty hard well me and Toby got the numbness to it.
As everyone finished getting ready we headed to the diner area to get breakfast or for others blood, kidneys, human parts, and candy.
As we got there we were unnoticed so we sat at a table as far away from everyone else as we can but can still hear them. Thank zalgo that we had reddish soup and bread today so then we can make some 'modifications'. As no one was looking we switched EJ's soup with blood and big kidney chunks. We switched Jeff's to blood and 'meat'. And then we for smiles we did the same thing as Jeff but we but more of the organs than anything. And finally we have LJ we tossed him bags of candy so he doesn't get mad about being hungry. " So g-guys wh-what p-partner do y-you wa-ant t-to b-be in??? " I asked since we had hand to hand combat today. Everyone looked at each other trying to decide who should go with who. As Slendy was about to say something the bell rang for training time so.we got up and through out our food. We gathered around Keith to see what our 'orders' were for the day. " ALRIGHT MAGGOTS TODAY WE WILL BE DOING HAND TO HAND COMBAT YOU SHALL CHOOSE YOUR PAIRS AND BEGIN YOU ARE ALL DISMISSED " Keith yelled. " Yes Sir!!" Everyone yelled.
As we got in pur little group slendy divided us on our skill and talent than anything really. It was me and Toby, Masky and Hoodie, Jeff and Jane, BRVR and Smile, LS and Sally, Clockwork and Dr. Smiley, Splendy and Trender, Slendy and Offender, BEN and LJ, Puppeteer and Lui, then Bloody painter was left out so we thought once one of is was beaten we would trade places. As I looked at the groups for a moment I saw horse face coming towards Sally as everyone started to notice because of observant they are started heading towards Sally. Just as he got there we were standing behind her deffenceifly. "Oi. Brat I want to spar with you because I want a rematch about last night and you will bloody pay. " The horse said. Sally stood there for a moment and thought about it and the outcomes. She looked at me as if asking what to do. " Sally go ahead and spar with him just don't go full potential, you'll put him in the infirmary for a year " I said and chuckled at the end well everyone else did as well because that know it's true. As horse heard this he smirked. " What will she do at her full 'potential' what? Will she just jump on me until I fall is that it? " he said mockingly. As he said this Sally ran behind Slendy and dragged charlie with her and made go in bear form so she can have more energy. As she came back out her eyes were darker because she was in fight mode. As horse saw this he laughed because she had her 'teddy' with her. She walked towards the sparing area and stood on one side well horse took the other.
"BEGIN" Keith yelled. Sally stood there as horse charged at her, her head was down but you could tell she was smirking because also because Charlie's eyes were turning a bit red.
Around us you could hear murmurs about how Sally will be pummeled. She looked up and you could see Jean almost paralyzed in fear but kept trying to hit her well she dodged his weak attacks. Once she saw an opening for her to hit she kicked and sent him straight to the ground. But out of the corner of mine and Toby's eye we could see her pulling something out of her waist pocket. ' A pocket knife.....?........... Oh no ' as we saw that she was about to kill him we tackled her and removed all items that made her stronger we started with charlie and the grabbed her knife. As the others finally relised what almost happened they rushed over and took everything away and kept distant with the items. " Oi!!! Why'd you do that?!?" Jean yelled. "D-Did you wa-want t-to d-die?" I said. As he was about to answer he stood there shocked as did everyone else because we were pulling knives out of hiding spots around her body and took her bracelet that had the weapon on it and put it on my wrist. Once we found all the weapons we had Splendy leave and put them under my bed so she won't find them.
After that was done we had to go back in time to where we were going in our pairs. So pretty much a reset.
// le time skip brought to you by...... Horse kisses EW!! //

As the reset took in place we had resented to the time before Jean walked over here so we got in pairs and walked over to Sally and LS because they are a pair. As horse walked over here he did the same damn thing but Sally didn't take Charlie with her and Slendy made all of her weapons disappear.
As they got to a spar area "BEGIN" Keith yelled. Instead of Sally standing there she charged but she ran in between his legs kicked him in the back of his knee and he fell. As this happened she grabbed his hands pinned behind his back, and at the same time held down his body, and was able to pick his head up and put the wooden dagger against his neck and made a slicing motion with the dagger against his kneck and said sickly sweet with a smile " I win." Jean was terrified to the spot and as Sally got up she through the dagger and it landed in between his arm pit and side to where his heart is. " I'm proud of you Sally I guess the training you said was useless paid off huh? Are you going to underestimate the training now" I asked with a smirk. "nope sometimes though" She said. "Welp let's get training done let's go" Jeff said. We headed to an open area as everyone looked at us in surprise at how calm we are about an 8 year old girl able to pin someone 3 times their size and able to sliceing motion as of she was trained to kill which she is. Sparring went on for a few hours until sun down let's just say we were still going at it but decided to give up cause for one we can't beat any of the slender brothers 'damn you' I thought. So we decided to go to the dining area after a while of just talking about how we were gonna sneak the blood and organs this time. And how much longer we can last before we go on a killing spree. But on that note tomorrow is gonna be one heck of a day let's just hope we can pass the balance test.

What have we gotten our selves into, What will happen tomorrow.......???

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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