Musings of a Teenage girl

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Tell Me

Tell me, why do seasons change?
Why do people act so strange?
Why is the sky blue?
Why do I feel this way for you?

Tell me; I don't understand, please explain,
Why are these feelings strong and hard to contain?
Why do I feel this rush?
When this is just a stupid crush.

I ignore it; I really do,
But I just can't, don't have a single clue,
Tell me, please, I want to get out,
Especially when you have someone you care so much about.

Tell me, why does it hurt so bad?
When you're something I never even had,
I can't help but wonder; i want to know,
Why she, my greatest foe?

Tell me, did all those memories mean nothing to you?
That all the things you said were never true?
All those silly smiles and pretending to be sick,
Were they just part of a silly trick?

Oh, I'm sorry; I've been infected with this sickness,
I didn't choose you to be my weakness.
Tell me, how to get rid of this infection,
Before it spreads and cuts off my circulation.

Tell me, how to stop this stupid heart,
From aching so bad when we're apart.
Never planned to fall, you see?
Sorry for thinking you'll be there to catch me.

Tell me, how do I forget?
These feelings for so long I have kept.
My fantasy has come to its end,
It's time to wake up and stop this pretend.

Tell me, how do I let go?
So that I can be free from this sorrow.
Tell me, I don't really know,
I just want to get rid of Cupid's pesky arrow.

But, who am I kidding?
It's not that easy to let go of this feeling.
Tell me, why do I know for sure,
That this disease will take some time to cure?

Tell me, is it futile to think this way?
That I'll finally find someone who'll stay?
That someday I can find my own happiness,
And finally be able to live life to the fullest.

Will there come a time when I can look at you and not cry?
Will I finally be able to live without the what-ifs and whys?
Tell me, that my this pain in my heart will cease,
And that I can finally breathe at ease.

Tell me that I will not be stuck on you,
That I will and can move on and find someone new.
That I'll find someone who'll make me feel this way again,
And never worry if my heart can take the pain.

I hope so for my heart's sake,
It has already suffered through much sorrow and ache.
I trudge on with experience as my guide,
Don't worry, I'll tell you when I reach the other side.


Well, I hope you enjoyed it! :) comments and suggestions are really welcome!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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