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  chloe lukasiak

My slumber ended before it even began. At 5 sharpish, a clatter of pans was heard throughout the cell block. We had to get up. Brynn was surprisingly chipper for this time in the morning, and quickly shot up out of bed to get ready. Her night clothes were set aside, for the launderers, and her day clothes were put on. She then effortlessly pulled her blonde hair into two Dutch braids, and skipped down to breakfast. This took Brynn no longer than three minutes, and I found myself trudging down the steps of the bunk whilst she was still doing her hair.

I yawned widely, and pulled on my clothes. Carol had placed some new ones out for me; a white tank, and some black leggings. I put my (Nia's) Doc Martens on my sore feet, and then shoved my hair in a messy ponytail. I obviously had no makeup, so I walked to the 'bathroom' to brush my teeth and splash my face.

After doing that, I strolled to the common room, where people were preparing for the day ahead. Daryl passed me, and ruffled my hair, whilst smirking.

"G'mornin, sleepy head," He passed me a bowl of, once again, porridge, "I can imagine how your sleep went, considering you bunked with Brynn." He chuckled lightly, and strolled out of the room and to one of the guard towers. Smiling, I placed my plate down, not really feeling hungry, and walked over to Brynn, who was holding Judith. I sat down next to her, my smile automatically widening at the site of the adorable infant.

"Aw, she likes you!" Brynn exclaimed, brushing her finger against Judith's nose, "I can tell, because otherwise, she would be screaming by this point."

I placed my finger on her hand, to which she clasped her tiny chubby digits around mine. A giggle escaped her mouth, and she began to kick her legs gently against my ribs. Things like this made me miss my own sister, Clara. She was only four, and couldn't survive this alone. I just hope, for her sake, that she is with my parents, and somewhere safe. I felt my eyes well up slightly, and quickly sniffed and stood up.

"Uh - I'm, I'm gonna go outside." I state, and walk away speedily before she can see my tears fall. I began to walk outside, where Rick was filling water buckets, when all of a sudden, the large prison gates open, causing an echoing squeal to fly throughout the prison. A truck was making its way through the courtyard, whilst walkers hungrily clambered against the gates. I winced slightly, and jogged to Rick.

"Are they the people on a run?" I ask quietly, placing my hand over my eyes to keep the sun out. Rick squints and gazes over to the truck, nodding.

"Yeah, there is the rest of our group.". As the truck begins to drive through the greenery, I become slightly nervous. The people I had met so far were lovely, I was just hoping that these were equally as accepting of their new arrival - me.

The truck came to a stop next to where Rick and I were, and the doors then opened. Three people emerged from within first.

"This is Chloe, she is part of our group." he bluntly said, "Chloe, meet Michonne,"

Rick motioned to a dark skinned woman with beautiful cornrows and a soft, yet hard expression, who had a large Katana tightly strapped to her back. She smiled, and offered me her hand,

"Hello, Chloe." I shook her hand in return, and let out a timid 'hello'. Next, an older man with a painted on scowl and a hook in place of his right hand took one look at me, grunted, and rolled his eyes,

"Another child? Really, Sheriff?" He spoke in a raspy manner, all whilst looking me up and down, "At least this is a purty' one." He smirked, and walked away. I shuddered, and quickly took a few steps further behind Rick, who protectively placed his hand on my shoulder.

"That's Merle, ignore him, he's a scumbag, girl. I'm Sasha." A gorgeous woman with a full head of hair and perfect cheekbones said, putting down a few bags of what I guessed was supplies from the run. I hesitantly waved, and waited for the remainder of the group to get out of the truck. Another three heads then bobbed around inside, and one at a time, they descended from the large truck. The first was a tall, sandy blonde boy, around my age, with a smirk which could make anyone swoon, and broad shoulders. He bit his lip gently, and strolled over to me casually.

"I'm Jack, and you are?" He confidently asked, placing one hand on his hip, and the other one leaning against the truck. I blushed, and quickly looked down.

"Chlo-Chloe. My names Chloe." I stutter. He nods, in what seemed like approval, and span on his foot and carried one of the many bags he had inside the common room. Next, there was another boy, also approximately my age. He had long, brunette hair, which hung loosely around his face, bright blue eyes, and just like Jack, made me weak at the knees. Why was every guy here good looking?

"Hey, Chloe. I'm Carl." So this was Ricks son, huh? I could definitely see the resemblance, what with the eyes and the irresistible smile. He offered me his hand, to which I very gladly took, and shook it comfortingly, but then pulled me into a warm hug. My eyes widened slightly, at the sudden pressure against my wound, from what I guess is a gun strapped to Carl's hip. I let out a almost inaudible yelp, and pulled away. He gave me a confused look, "Are you ok? Did I hurt you?"

I pulled up my white tank top slowly, to reveal the now clean wound. It was for sure an improvement since yesterday, when it was turning green and pus started to form at the edges.

"No, no! I think your gun or something pushed against this nasty wound. It's fine, though. It honestly didn't hurt." I sweetly smiled, and pulled my tank back down. He nodded, a worried expression etched on his face.

"I'm sorry, anyway. Maybe later we can have a proper conversation, I am on guard duty," Carl rolled his ocean eyes playfully, and brushed my shoulder with his hand, "I will see you later, Chloe." He winked as he walked away, presumably to follow Jack, and I sighed as I watched both of them walk away.

My peaceful thoughts were then interrupted by a voice that I know all too well.

"Chloe?" She exclaimed, shock evident in her voice. I turned my head, to see my ex bestfriend standing there, mouth and eyes agape.

"Maddie? What - what are you doing here?" I asked, immediately noticing the elephant in the room. There was another brunette, a similar look to Maddie, but she had a hard scowl set on her flawless face. Maddie stepped forward hesitantly.

"What am I doing here? You're supposed to be dead!" She said, causing Rick, Michonne and Sasha to snap their heads around and stand to attention.


sorry for not updating in a while :( I've been on holiday and had no wifi whatsoever! I'll hopefully be updating around three times a week now :)

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