50 First Puns CH.1

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Chapter 1 - Exposition

Was it worth losing hope? Trust? And just the willingness to see the Surface? Probably not, but you couldn't blame a guy for losing hope. It isn't easy living the same day over and over, again.

But everything was worth seeing this view. Sans lied back in the grass, looking up at the stars. They twinkled above, the full moon joining them. Sans let out a sigh through his teeth. Yeah, he could get used to this.

The moment ended too soon. His phone began to chime with a familiar chime. Sans sighed and sat up. He pulled out his phone, seeing the familiar picture of his brother.

He answered the call.

"SANS?! WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU ARE LATE FOR YOUR NIGHTLY BED TIME STORIES!" Papyrus exclaimed through the phone.

"sorry, bro. lost track of time. i'll be there in a moment." Sans smiled a little, assuring his brother.

"ALRIGHT... YOU BETTER NOT BE PULLING MY LEG." Papyrus hanged up. Sans shook his head and shoved his phone away. He rummaged through his other pocket, before pulling out a page ripped from a magazine. It showed a mountain with tropical plants growing on it, but his eyes were set on the sky.

"i hope what they said was true. i'll be there soon enough." He folded up the picture and stuffed it away, looking to the sky one more time. "glad i can at least see this every night."

Sans sighs, before disappearing into the air.


"Hey, punk. Stop dozing off." Undyne shoved Sans, who toppled over from the broom he was leaning against. Undyne burst into laughter, as the short skeleton got to his feet.

"sorry, just daydreaming." Sans brushed off his hoodie, before using his broom to continue to sweep up the floor. It was still too early for him, but it wasn't too bad. He liked helping out a little at Alphys and Undyne's comic book shop.

"Was that a pun?" Undyne narrowed her eyes. The fish warrior was a bit more skeptical on letting him have the job, but with the combine pleading of Alphys and Papyrus, she couldn't refuse.

"only if you would take it as one." Sans grin widened, as the fish woman groaned. Six months in the human world and Sans hadn't given up puns. If anything, he gained more. This was the longest time he's been on the Surface, yet.

"I'm gonna ignore that." Undyne shook her head, before grinning. "So, how was that blind date I set you up with last night?"

"oh, it went pretty good. we got to the restaurant, took our seats, I told a joke, she got up and left." Sans shrugged, continuing to sweep the floor, picking up the occasional abandoned comic book. He didn't feel too bad about annoying the monster girl, she was chatting nonstop anyway.

"Sans, what did I tell you? Girls don't want to be bombarded with bad puns." Undyne groaned, taking the comic books Sans hands to her and placing them in their respected spots. What was she talking about anyway? The best kinds of girls love to hear puns when they're done right.

"you know me, if a girl doesn't find me punny, than maybe it wasn't meant to be." Sans checked his phone. "looks like my break is about to start, better finish up my job here and get sweated up into job."

"You suck, man. Fine, go take a break. I'm gonna get you another blind date though. I'll schedule it for tomorrow, alright?" Undyne said, checking the time herself.

"uhuh, you do that." Sans set the broom against a wall and began to head out when Undyne stopped him. Sans stopped in his tracks confused, but could tell that she was being serious by her firm grip.

"Sans... Please try to be serious about this. You're starting to enjoy life on the Surface and your brother thinks this is a great time to find a potential Soul mate. You're not getting any younger." Sans didn't look at Undyne, but nodded.

"i know... i'll give it a shot. don't expect me to jump out of my skin about it though."


The door opened, causing a bell to ding as Sans entered the empty shop. A familiar kid poked their head above the counter and waved him over. Sans grinned and walked over.

"hey, kid. how's business?" Frisk stuck her tongue out as Sans chuckled. "not so good? don't worry about it too much, i have a feeling in my bones that this place will be busy soon enough. especially in fall when school begins to start up."

Frisk shrugged, before their eyes widen and they point to a box behind the counter.

"that my new telescope? nice, i can't wait to test it out. can you have it sent to my home?" Sans asked. Frisk groaned. "hey, my bike can't carry me and that and the same time and you know how much of a lazy bones I am. can't you do a skeleton a favor?"

Frisk rolled their eyes, but nodded.

"you're the best. tell your mom i said hi, okay?" Frisk nodded, as Sans gave them a pat on the head before heading out. Sans walked over to his motorcycle and climbed on. He revved up the engine, before taking off into the street. He had checked his phone while driving and figured he could make it to his hotdog stand, hangout for an hour, before going to check up on Papyrus at his job, then heading over to his next job at the movie theatre, before heading over to Grillby's. You know, his usual schedule.

At least, that was his schedule for the day, until he heard a sound that made his bones rattle. The engine to his bike sputtered and coughed, shaking his vehicle. Sans took this as a bad sign and quickly pulled to the side of the road. He hopped off his bike and checked his engine, but he couldn't tell exactly what was wrong with it. He was smart with astrophysics, not mechanical engineering.

The pun master sighed and looked around the area. New Grillby's wasn't too far from here, he could walk his bike. There, he could call Undyne to come pick him and his bike up in her truck and take him home. He could teleport, but he liked the thought of a difference in his usual schedule.

He hasn't visited Grillby during this time of the day, his old friend would probably like the company.

Sans began his walk to the diner, it wasn't too hard. It was only a couple blocks over, but he decided he used enough energy to not be able to make his jobs for the day. Once he saw the welcoming diner, he sped up his walk a little. He parked his bike in the parking lot of Grillby's before heading inside.

He was greeted by the comfortable warmth and chatter of the restaurant. Monsters were gathered together talking and eating happily. The smell of burgers on the grill and fries being fried were in the air, as Sans relaxed and took a seat at the counter. He pulled out his phone.

hey, gills. think u can drop by grillbys & give me a lift? had some bike trouble. could really use a friend to steer me in the right direction.

Wow, how can one guy fail so badly? I'm already trading shifts with that new punk we hired, but I gotta explain some things first. I'll be over in like, an hour.

take your time.

Sans stuffed his phone away, when a flame monster walked up to the counter.

"yo, Grillby. surprised to see me? i got into a little trouble with my bike and decided i could drop in early." Grillby nodded in understanding and made a gesture with his flames. "yeah, i'll have the usual. an order of a burg and some fries."

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