Pyro (Spencer Reid)

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A/N: This part is based in Episode 2, Season 1.

" The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children" - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

 My pencil scratched at the page of my book as I ignored the presence of the FBI in the lab, it was funny how I'm back here again though. You'd think after my four PhD's i'd just stop and move on with my life, ha?

Well - apparently I now wanted one in Biology, Chemistry, Sociology and Psychology. I had an important essay due, and I needed to finish my formula's before I head to my dorm - sure there's some pyromaniac running around campus setting people on fire and things - but who am I to bother with that?

I don't have a room mate, because I'm apparently unbearable to room with because of my pacing back and forth as I think three in the morning, I seem to read all night and forget about time until my alarm goes off, and so what if I recite Oscar Wilde to Shakespeare when I sleep?

Oh, and the fact I had taken up violin didn't help with the cause either.

But it's okay I guess, I am more than a loner than anything. I can't stand how people always seemed to think I'm some kind of genius - when in fact I just like learning and gathering information - that and the fact my mind seems to soak up everything I read and see as if it was a sponge surrounded by water, water being the information.

People also seem to get intimidated when they find out I have an IQ of 197 - I mean, it's not that good. Get over yourselves people, you don't need to try and make me feel dumb when I can easily tell who you've recently slept with by the way you to look at each other.

Someone clear's their throat and my head snaps up to see a skinny, tall brown haired fellow in a red tie nervously start speaking, "Hey guys, my - uh names - uh - Doctor Spencer Reid. I'm a - uh..." he breaths out nervously and I put my pencil down and stared at  him with a comforting smile on my face - hey, I may be an awkward person who doesn't fit in around here, but I do have my perks of my mothers personality.

He stared at me for a second before he continued on, a little less nervous than before, "An agent with the BAU. Err - Behavioural Analyst Unit of the FBI, which um - i-it use to be called," he's losing it, poor bloke, "The BSU, the Behavioural Science Unit but not anymore they changed it to teh BAU - um. It's part of the NCFVC - National Centre for Violent Crime, which is - well is also apart of the thing called the CIRG - the Critical Injury Response Group and-" he got cut off by the serious man in a suit and I felt pity for the nervous guy.

"What he's trying to say is we'd love to know how you can help us"

I went back to my book, ignoring their talk about how the Pyromaniac is setting places and people on fire - I mean, you'd think the FBI would already know this since it's all over the net.

I stabbed a dot at the end of my writing and I quickly closed my book before I packed up and shoved everything into my plain canvas Captain America bag before I started to head out of the lab while putting my head phones in.

Getting into the elevator I became aware of the FBI guys in the elevator, and I stared at them before I pulled my key out and  got ready to put it in the lock in the panel, but then the guy from the lab that I made myself forget his name came in and put his key in.

Rolling my eyes I to the corner and stared at the closed door's, just wanting to go the back to my dorm room and start on the essay before sleep for a half an hour or so - I mean, it's already ten o'clock at night, who am I trying to kid when I say i'll be done by twelve?

I'm going to be at least done by four - maybe in six am. The doors of the elevator opened and I walked out of the elevator and towards my dorm room where I started on my essay, and let me tell you - I am defiantly not going to be having any sleep tonight.

Pyro (Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now