Just murder.

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3:54 am and I was still awake.  Tomorrow was just a day like the rest of my 11 year life.   No I'm not an orphan or a spy. But this is my story.

School ah ,where this all started where boys talked about girls and sports and girls talk about ... I have no idea. I wasn't popular, I think .... But a change that was occurring was not on my mind as I entered my first class with a frown on my face Monday morning. I had a seat in math class 2 row from the back 6 seats from the left. To my surprise there was someone sitting there. everyone knew where I sat there and would never sit there. as I looked who was sitting in my seat my eyes couldn't believe what I saw ,a tall brown eyed girl with dirty blond hair. I almost fell to the floor but before that could happen she grabbed my hand and shook it Simotaniusly   saying "hi I'm karlie" that was odd I thought to my self as I took a seat next to this under aged super model. I spent thought the day with this puzzled look on my face so much that my history teacher asked me I was ok. But it got worse, on Mondays I had jujitsu witch I loved ,I topped my class in take downs.  But while warming up with my friend he suddenly  got more aggressive. when we were done he stood up and tried to flex (witch failed in the thick matirial of our uniform.) I was surprised and slightly disturbed by his actions until he asked who she was ,instantly I whipped my head to the door just to see karlie walk in with hair flowing like the wind. I instantly wanted to hide and hope she wouldn't see me.  But of course when it was time for sparing she chose me to spar against. We shook hands bowed and before I could defend myself she swept me off my feet like a beautiful hurricane  then leaped on top of me ,i got as close to a girl as I had ever been. She leaned  her head like she was going to kiss me , her red filled lips cursed me with temptation and at that moment she choked me so hard I forgot to tap.

The next few weeks were the same until the news that shook every one to the ground . The title that lined our newspapers for weeks.  Murder ,cold blooded murder the worst part I would find out I was responsible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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