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A/N; Hello! So I'm starting off with a comedy oneshot with some romance...haha okay anyways we gotta start off with my favorite Todoroki! Enjoy.
It was late at night and you were on your bed, 3:24 am to be exact, and here you are with your thoughts. You shifted your position around to see your boyfriend, Shouto, lying next to you sleeping soundly. 'Aw he's so cute when he sleeps...' You thought to yourself. You showed a soft smile.
To him you were an angel. Always so kind and doing things that he would love. Shouto would always have a soft smile on his face whenever he saw you. But you decided to have a little fun today.
First off you grabbed a sharpie and doodled all over his face, cat whiskers and a dotted nose and even wrote hot mess on his forehead. Okay okay, so this was a harmless prank but who said you were finished? And evil grin plastered around your face with a dark aura around you. Good thing Shouto was a deep sleeper.
•8:12 am•
Shouto woke up only to find himself next to an anime body pillow which is (your favorite anime character) with goggly eyes. Shouto hates goggly eyes. He blinked a couple of times and then his eyes widened. He screamed and fell on the floor. Now he was covered in peanut butter. "(NAMEEEEE) WHERE ARE YOU?"
He could here laughter downstairs. "Oh no he's pissed." You laugh to yourself. Shouto tried to get up and his whole back was filled with peanut butter. "How the hell do we even have this much peanut butter??" He muttered to himself. As he went down the stairs he heard you snickering. "Hey (name), okay you've had your fun now where the hell are yo-" he screamed once again.
As he hit the first floor Shouto met you wearing a mask of a villain he really hated which gave him a jump-scare. He fell on his knees and hands panting trying to catch his breath. You took of the mask and started laughing really hard. And irk mark appeared on his forehead.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you down. Now you were being pinned down by Shouto on the cold floor. He looked at you with cute pissed off face. "That wasn't funny...(name)" You stopped laughing. "S-sorry, hehe please forgive me?"
"Apologies won't cut it...how are you gonna make it up to me?" He said with a seductive voice. Your cheeks tinted with a light shade as he brings his face closer to yours. His nose barely touching yours. "Um...Sh-Shouto?? He looked at your lips. "I know how..."
He pressed his lips against yours, melting into them. His lips were cold at first but became warm. You were shocked at first but later you started to just go with it. You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He bit your lower lip asking for access to your mouth, and you let him. Your tongues collided fighting for dominance, of course he won.
You pushed his chest and you guys finally release trying to catch your breathe. You felt something cold down your feet. As Shouto got off, you finally saw that your feet and legs were frozen to the floor. He stood up and smirked. You looked up only to see a dark aura around his head.
"Ne, (name) I'll just let you lay there until I can get this peanut butter of my back...as well as the sharpie on my face." He said with a scary tone. Your jaw dropped. He started going upstairs. "W-WAIT SHOUTO YOU CANT JUST KISS ME AND THEN LEAVE ME HERE...YOUR'E SO CRUEL" you yelled trying to making him come. "Oh and next time don't put goggly eyes on (fav. anime character)!...creeped the shit out of me..."
You sighed. Your finally realized that kiss was just a distraction to freeze your legs. You still have a picture on your phone of him sleeping with all that sharpie. You looked at the ceiling and sighed again while hearing the shower turned on. Well I'm for certain I'm gonna be die here ice cold. But you still love him.
A/N; haha apologies if it wasn't really that great...but more stories to come! It's just so hard trying to think of ideas and there isn't much Todoroki fanfiction going on. Plus I'm still a beginner when it comes to writing. DO NOT EXPECT MY ONESHOTS TO BE GREAT AS THE WALL OF CHINA GOODBYE :)